Trial and error is your friend here. If my comments don't work, try everything until it works.
1. when i fill in the gov't resource do I use the class designation (ex. 10013) or do I use the number (ex. 10128)?
I think you use the gov't, not the class designation. However, be aware that it may be looking for the "index number" and not the ID number. Index always = ID# - 128. So, the first resource (i.e. light blaster) has an index of 0, so on and up.
QUOTE (The Nova Bible)
AvailStel Which stellar objects (i.e. planets) the mission is available at.
-1 Any inhabited stellar.
128-2175 ID number of a specific stellar.
5000-7047 Stellar in a system adjacent to specific system.
9999-10255 Specific govt's stellar.
I don't know why it starts at 9999 instead of 10000...
As a rule of thumb, if it starts at xx128, it wants the ID number. If it starts at xx000, it wants an index. If it ends at xx255, it often wants an index (otherwise, you could only use the first 128 resources, instead of all of them).
In this case, I would use the index. However, if that doesn't work, try the index - 1 (i.e. 9999 for federation, 10000 for Auroran, etc.).
2. If I am an enemy of gov't "a"and gov't "a" is allied with gov't "b", will any susequent missions offered through gov't "b" be denied on an ally basis?
Not directly, no.
QUOTE (The Bible)
AvailRecord What your legal record in this system must be for this mission to become available.
So, say you want a mission from gov't B. If you tick off their ally, gov A, then B probably won't like you. However, the mission really only cares what gov B thinks of you, and it's quite possible to be friends with B and an enemy of A at the same time. If you're making a plug in, though, be careful about forcing the player to tick off A, and requiring the player to make friends with B in order to get a mission. It's doable, but may make life tough on the player. Unless, of course, that's exactly what you want, you fiend.
This post has been edited by n64mon : 21 September 2009 - 01:49 PM