Would it be possible to integrate ConText and ResStore capability into MC? Like a "spreadsheet view" that will display all of one kind of resource at a time in a spreadsheet window? I cannot get ResStore to work on my MBP for the life of me (and ConText works only when it feels like it), and I'd really like the ability to change the same setting across multiple resources simultaneously with the ease that I can paste the same number into every single cell in a column if I needed to.
EDIT: Two more little issues I have with MC (see, I'm using a lot more now). One, while it's great that -Q will close all windows, it's not so great that it will close all open windows before asking me if I'm really sure I want to quit. The W is pretty close to the Q on normal keyboards (probably the vast majority), and it's annoying to see all my many open windows vanish when I only meant to close the top one.
Second, whenever I click on a field in the ship editor (may be the same with all editors, haven't checked), the insertion point appears to the far left by default. This is just a little pet peeve I have. For the lack of ConText and ResStore working, I'm manually changing the explosion IDs of all the ships in a beta plugin I'm revisiting, and since I'm only changing the last digit in the explosion fields, I'd rather not have to first click again or use the arrow key to move the insertion point to where I want it so I can change the one digit. Sigh, 10 ships down, 172 to go... having to click so many times to do one task just ruins my efficiency, and I'm sure MC is all about making Nova plug development efficient. 
EDIT2: I have a really cool interface feature suggestion: The Quick Edit feature. It would be a third window section in the main interface to the right, and it could function as a drawer with an open/close button in the lower right corner of the resource viewer (so it doesn't irritate, it stays closed if it's closed to begin with, stays open if it's open). Whenever you select a single resource, an editor with an abbreviated layout or list layout (whichever fits better and/or is easier to make) is automatically displayed in the Quick Edit window, though grayed out as inactive until you click on it. Clicking on it activates it, and you can make whatever changes to the resource you want, then move on. Multiple windows for those who prefer it will still be an option by merely double-clicking on the resource or using the Open button as usual. Of course, with multiple resources selected, the Quick Edit window will display the text "Multiple Resources Selected". What do you think?
This post has been edited by Geek : 24 December 2008 - 04:42 AM