Good afternoon, everyone!
At the beginning of 2007, I split off an additional copy of MissionComputer from the 3.3.3 update I was then developing. This second copy, which I called 'Crusoe' since it was 'cast off' from the main code base, allowed me to take on more complicated projects without breaking the source files on which the release version depended.
The first of these projects was to port it over to a more modern platform, which brought with it greater stability and Intel support (which we now know is coming to EV Nova itself as well); next, I disassembled and rebuilt the main document window and every editor in order to allow multiple resources to be open at the same time. Subsequent pre-release versions brought editors for the shďp and wëap resources, a revised star-map editor supporting graphical direct manipulation, and other changes numerous to mention here.
After more than a year of public alphas and betas, Crusoe - now called MissionComputer 4.0 - is now ready for final release. In homage to EV Nova 's Australian origins: