So now that I've finished re-writing the Copy and Paste commands to support multiple resources, MissionComputer 4.0 is now feature-complete, which means that it's time to call the new pre-release version a beta rather than an alpha.
For those of you who haven't been following the alpha process, MissionComputer 4 Crusoe add the ability to select/open/edit/copy/paste multiple resources at the same time, editors for the shďp and wëap resources, a revised star-map editor with a more intuitive interface based on direct manipulation, Intel-native code (while still supporting PowerPC), substantial increases in speed and stability, and numerous smaller features and bug fixes. It still supports all three Escape Velocity games (though some new features work only for EV Nova ). After 20 months of development and more than a year of testing, it now has all the features I planned when beginning (though there's still plenty left for 4.1 :)) and is ready for a somewhat broader audience.
For those of you who have been using the pre-release versions already, the changes since alpha 9 are:
You can now copy and paste multiple resources at once.
Number fields no longer reject negative numbers anywhere in MissionComputer, just in case someone finds a useful undocumented behaviour. They also no longer beep when an invalid key is pressed (at Qaanol's request).
Opening a DITL with no items no longer produces an infinite loop (thanks, Guy). The DITL framework now correctly loads picture/icon/control items with negative IDs (there was no problem with saving them).
Added a leeway of five pixels to the left for selections in the starmap editor, so that clicking the leftmost half of a system's circle produces the same result as clicking the rightmost half or the name (thanks, Consul Bob). The star map now uses the first PICT when rendering a nebula, if the third is missing.
The wëap editor's AmmoType field no longer displays a decimal point without a value after it (thanks, 0101181920), and its help tag varies according to the selection.
The shďp editor's 'Disabled at' pop-up menu is now a pair of radio buttons, and it correctly updates the window's unsaved status (thanks, JacaByte).
There is now a check box to control availability of mass expansions (thanks, Guy), and Inherent AI and AI skill variation have moved into the AI behaviour tab.
If you open a file that is already in use, MissionComputer will switch to its window rather than giving an error message.
Turned Make RLE and the Resource Copier back into normal, non-metal windows, and made the Resource Copier horizontally resizable.
Updated 512x512 icons for Mac OS 10.5.
Updated help content.
MissionComputer 4 requires Mac OS 10.3 or higher, and is now available as a 13.1 MB disk image. Since this is still a pre-release version, please be sure to keep backups (a good idea at any time), and report any problems you discover.