Originally posted by Pallas Athene:
**Well, here's one. It's simple, and (theoretically) effective.
Each player starts with 100 points. Each victory is worth 20 points, multiplied by the loser's score, and divided by the winners. Each loss is worth a quarter of the victory score.
Example Matches:
Two 100 points players:
- Winner gains 20 (120)
- Loser loses 5 (95)
A 100 point player defeats a 200 point player
- Winner gains 40 (140)
- Loser loses 10 (190)
A 200 point player defeats a 100 point player
- Winner gains 10 (210)
- Loser loses 3 (97)
A 100 point player defeats a 500 point player
- Winner gains 100 (200)
- Loser loses 25 (475)
A 500 point player defeats a 100 point player
- Winner gains 2 (502)
- Loser loses 1 (99)
Usually, the reason a lower ranked player defeats a higher ranked player is because the lower player is a new, high-skill player that hasn't yet advanced in the ranks. This system allows the lower player to advance a little quicker without penalizing higher players.**
This system will reward those who play more and also a player who is the best player at Ares(see Jimmy
) and gets #1, has 51/49 or better percent of games won against the top group of players will still fall behind if he goes off on vacation due to all other players gaining in score without gaining in skill. I really think the ladder as much as possible attempt to rank players by skill level and not by the amount of time they have to waste on MaG 
It also allows evenly matched players to gain in rank, however slowly. Experience is a factor,, not just wins.**
The problem here is that your evenly matched group of players will gain rank in proportion to the amount of time they spend on Ares, not their skill. I think that if they are:
a. evenly matched( win/lose of approx 50/50)
b. evenly ranked(same scores)
Then they shouldn't be gaining in rank as they are already at their maximium skill level. The only way for them to gain in rank should be to become better players so that they can go 60/40 or better against their former group, or go 50/50 against the formerly better players who have a higher ranking.
Now, for normal scoring, officer ranks shouldn't factor in. However, it should be the only factor in clan scoring; good clans should have to assign ranks well.
You can blame Jimmy for that one
He told me to use the clan rank for normal scoring 
(url="http://"http://www.aresaxis.net")Ares Axis(/url) Admin
(url="http://"http://www.magleague.net/bbs2")MaGLeague(/url) Ares Admin
GR/(url="http://"http://magleague.com/downloads/chat.html")MaGChat(/url): Col. El Patrick
#2 on MaG Ares season 1(just don't ask what I placed in the tournament!)
(This message has been edited by Patrick (edited 07-26-2002).)