@sobercounsel, on Apr 30 2008, 12:55 PM, said in EV:Interplanetary Alliance:
Hello, this is my first post and also my first plugin. I'm using MissionComputerX-333.
Basically, i'm biting off more than I can chew, and going with the bullheaded approach that if I can't chew it quickly, i'll keep chewing the damn thing for as long as it takes to finish. Yep folks it's a universe mod. :blink:
The premise behind my Plugin's creation is that, while I loved EV:Nova for its rich storylines and characters, (not to mention fantastic gameplay), it lacked the things that made Override and Classic great. Basically, you didn't get to roleplay.
I'm attempting to create a complete Conversion Mod, but one that utilizes most the resources already in the gamedata like ships, outfits, sounds and nebulae, but i'm writing the story, planet and bar descriptions and i've already set out the map. However, since I have absolutely no idea what I really have to do, I'm requesting any and all the advice you could throw at me. And please note, i absolutely intend to read all the EV Plug-in Developer threads on what to do. But if you could dumb things down for me a little that'd be much appreciated. 
First off, welcome to the ASW boards, SoberCounsel! Enjoy your stay and may you be blessed by the light of Lathlander! (Yes, I'm now deciding to use this welcome.)
Second off, here's this statement.
@joshtigerheart, on Apr 30 2008, 02:46 PM, said in EV:Interplanetary Alliance:
The most important thing is this: are you prepared to spend 2+ years working on this project? TCs take an extremely long time to make, so if you don't feel you're going to be wanting to work on it for a few years, it'd be better to stop now. My small TC has taken two years as of two months ago.
I almost did the same thing as you, but I'm putting it on hold. TCs are simply long and hard to do. You will need some experience, and even then, it will take long.
Secondly, if you're making a TC, there's always gotta be new ships. If you want to keep chewing, it is unevitable that you will encounter the cold, bony parts of your food-also known as designing ships. With ever ship you have to add a shรคn, and then, you will have to create a ship from scratch. Photoshop, Lightwave, Blender, and other designing products work best for this stage.
I would rather you open up the topic about MissionComputer 4.0.a6 because it's much better than 3.3.3. There are many annoyances about MC 3 that are resolved in MC 4, so it's better to upgrade to 4.
And finally, if you need any questions, ask. Everyone on this board have experience with plug-in developing, like JTH and Archon, so you can have your questions answered quickly.
Hope this helps!