for my new plug
alright so my question is. how do you make a hidden system that appears after you have done specified mission
This post has been edited by of doom : 05 April 2008 - 10:10 AM
The s˙st resource has a field called Visibility. It's a logical test expresion that evaluates the contents of the field using Boolean algebra. If the field evaluates to True, the system will be visible, otherwise it won't. The Nova Bible has a quick description of how Boolean algebra works (you'll find the Nova Bible in the Documentation folder within your Nova folder), but essentially each of the mission bits are binary values - they're either set, or not set. If your Visibility field just contains a single mission bit, it will evaluate to True if the mission but is set, and to False if it is not set. If you want the visibility of the system to depend on two mission bits, such that the system will only appear if both bits are set, you'll use the & (logical AND) operator - as in b1 & b2. If you want it to be either/or, you'll use the | (logical OR) operator - as in b1 | b2. On the other hand, if you want the system to be visible when b1 is not set, you'll use the ! (logical NOT) operator - as in !b1.
I don't know which editor you're using, but assuming your editor lays out the fields in the same order as given in the Nova Bible (EVNEW does - and I presume Mission Computer does also), you'll find the Visibility field between the Person Probabilities fields and the Background Colour field.
The bible is more of a reference than a how-to guide for beginners.
That link has some good how-to guides for beginning EVN development.
i not a total n00b i have developed several plugs for my friends i can do pretty much most basic to intermediate stuff but i just couldn't find out how to make a system appear thats all.
(edit) i did that totorial 5 months ago
(Edit2) depending on what intermidiate counts as
This post has been edited by of doom : 05 April 2008 - 08:46 PM