You'd put that in the mission complete field while it would require b7999. Let me break down the fields and use the bits of a Colosseum mission as illustration, if anything to prevent future confusion.
Colosseum Mission said:
Offer the mission if: b13
When player accepts mission:
When player refuses mission:
When the mission completes: !b13 b14 L129 K130 b101 !b100
When player fails mission: b13
When player aborts mission: b13
When player completes the special ship objectives:
This mission will show up if the bit b13 is set. When it completes, it unsets b13 and b100, sets b14 and b101, removes rank 129, and grants rank 130. b13 is unset to prevent the mission from triggering again, while b14 is set for the next mission. Bits 100 and 101 are used for checking other things in Colosseum and don't apply to this mission specifically. L and K remove and grant ranks, respectively. You could use this to say, promote a player from Rear Admiral to Admiral, among other things. The fail and abort bits may be unnecessary, I'm not sure. They're there just for safeguards against possible bugs. Note that only the first field checks the bits, everything else sets, unsets, or activates things based on what's in there.
Just so you have a complete list of operators...
Axxx - aborts mission of the ID, if active
Fxxx - fails mission of the ID inputted, if active
Sxxx - starts mission of the ID
Gxxx - grants one outfit of the indicated ID
Dxxx - removes one outfit of the indicated ID
Mxxx - moves the player to the indicated system ID. Places player over the first spob or, if none are present, the system center
Nxxx - moves player to the indicated system ID, but have the same location relative to the system center
Cxxx - grants player the ship of the ID. They keep all items they own and gain none of the ship's defaults
Exxx - grants player the ship of the ID. They keep all items they own and gain all of the ship's defaults
Hxxx- grants player the ship of the ID. They loose all items they own and gain all of the ship's defaults
Kxxx - grants the player rank of the ID
Lxxx - removes the rank of the ID
Pxxx - players sound of the ID
Yxxx - destroys stellar of the ID
Uxxx - regenerates stellar of the ID
Qxxx - Forces the player to leave the spob immediately and displays a random message from the STR# indicated
Txxx - Changes the player's ship name to a randomly chosen name of the STR# indicated
Xxxx - Explored system of the ID
Note, all of these operators refer to a specific ID. So, for example, A129 will abort mission 129, A130 will abort mission 130, etc. Only bxxx doesn't refer to any specific IDs. Also, none of these apply to the test fields (such as Offer if). See below for those.
Also, for bits, you can use ^bxxx to toggle the bit on and off. Using crons, you could use that to have systems appear and vanish, among other things. You can also make the game do a random choice between two options using R(). For example, R(b2 !b3) would either set b2 or unset b3, but not do both. Not sure if that works with other operators, never tried it.
For the test fields, heres what else you can use.
Pxxx - checks to see if the game has been registered or not and how many days. Since unregistered users can't use plug-ins, its pointless to use this operator
G - looks up the player's gender. Returns -1 for male and 0 for female. So, you could make missions and other things available based on the players gender with G-1 or G0.
Oxxx - Checks to see if the players has the outfit of the indicated ID. One use for this is to have weapon ammunition not show up unless you own the launcher.
Exxx - Checks to see if the player has explored the system of the indicated ID.
| - Logical or operator (Offer mission if b5 | b6 would grant a mission if either bit is set).
& - Logical and operator (Offer mission if b5 & b6 would require both bits to be set)
! - Negation operator, you could use it with Oxxx, Exxx, G, and Pxxx as well, such as checking to see if a player doesn't have a specific outfit
() - Parenthetical enclosure, use to seperate requirements and what not, as well as to avoid confusing Nova. For example, b5 & (b6 | b7) would check to see if the player has b5 and b6 or b7 set. Basically, use them when you have multiple & and | operators.
Hopefully, all this clears things up instead of making it more confusing.