I'm going to note that they can't really stop you. And it's not illegal to do this, from what I understand. If you were selling this, yes, plagerism. But it's non-profit, so as long as you give credit, then you'll be just fine.
Actually, if they have an "All Rights Reserved" copyright license, they can prosecute for even fan fiction. However, even with said license, many do not pursue writers of fanfiction and what not, as it isn't worth the time, effort, and money to sue some 12 year old who wrote a paragraph long story about <insert universe of choice here>, and in fact often helps generate income. In this case Micrsoft isn't using an "All Rights Reserved" license, as they are extending some rights, as indicated above. So Shli's TC appears to be legal as indicated by what's written above.
This is more or less what I figured. I can't imagine ElMicrofto coming on ASW web boards and going,
"Oh, I'm just so sorry, but unfortunatly I'm afraid that you can't do this. And did I mention we're suing? Sorry for the inconvenience because of course we just want to be your frrrrieeeennddd....."
Go away, scary microsoft!
When I get my Xbox 360, I'm going to put an apple sticker on it. Fight the man!
But anyway. Sit tight till the weekend people. That's when I'll start on the Seraph.