Self-destroying ships(w/o damage!) invisible shots, and more new i
Self-Destroying ships..
I need a ship to kill itself, and then 'escape' into another ship... the key, is damage would be hard to explain in-game... I guess I could make the damage super low, and the shields even lower... but a ship with 5 shield points might not work....
I may have solved my own problem. Of course, for another issue, I need the same effect.
invisible weapons...
Do invisible sprites work with weapons, or will they not hit without any sprite? I suppose I could use a 1 pixel image, but I need it truly invisible if possible.
Can a mission take away an outfit and then grant a different one?
Stupid question. I've never implemented it... but I now that I think about it, Im sure its possible... right?
The process is to allow the player to purchase Bonds-
They cost (for example) 10,000 credits. As soon as they're purchased, they can only be sold for like 1000 credits.... but when (for example) 90 days have gone by, they're worth 18,000 credits. They take no space, and stay with you when you change ships.
I was planning on just making it an outfit that can't be sold, called "Savings Bond". In your inventory, it shows up as "Immature Savings Bond", and activates a cron on purchase. after 90days, the cron activated a self-aborting mission that takes away the "Immature Savings Bond" And grants "Matured Savings Bond" which is nearly identical, but is worth much more (and can be sold for approx 18,000) and can be sold anywhere.... Or I could just make the self-aborting mission grant the payout... shrug which do you think would be better? I say let the player cash it. (that way pirates can't steal your money)
Does anyone else have an easier way?
Also, how annoying are liscenses? Im thinking of making pilot licenses like Commercial Pilots License (for cargo freighters), Private Pilots Liscense (for ships like the Shuttles and Passenger Transport), and Business Liscense (to unlock the commodity exchange!)
Also, playing around with idea about forcing the player to play a version of Strict Play in my TC.... by giving every ship an escape pod and auto-eject...unsellable... Annoying, or clever?
Also, I perfected how to get the balance between fighters, capitals, intercepters, etc. but its a secret.