NCB abuse inside!
OK, it's lazy question time again. I could test this out, but I won't be able to run EVN or read background sources for a while, so I'll ask the rest of you instead.
I've got a misn that has an NCB test expression with 21 terms, all listed in series with no nesting parentheses or 'or' operators. (Yes, that sounds insane, but trust me -- there's a reason for it.) Perhaps unsurprisingly, this doesn't work right: the mission shows up when few (or maybe none) of those conditions have been met. I see two possible reasons:
There's a limit to NCB test string length, and I've reached it. If that's it, what is the limit?
I've got no explicit logical 'and' operators (&) between the expressions. I have another mission that similarly leaves the 'ands' implicit between its three NCB conditions (the test string is !b12 O136 b15), and I thought I had tested that that was working correctly. Do I need the '&'s in my 21-condition mission? Did I blow my testing on the 3-condition mission?
I'll test this out myself eventually if no one else can answer, but I'm hoping someone out there will save me the bother!