Curse my inability to retain long term memories! All I can ever remember pipeline saying is "Zapp, you're an idiot". I also seem to recall someone putting that in their sig, though this was before what I term the "Time Away", so I became a somewhat lesser known person, as well as maturing during that time so I never regained my status as Board Clown. I see Cosmic has taken that role flawlessly.
I also think I'm gonna copy Shlimazel's "level up" idea, but put my own twist on it. If that's OK with you, Shlimazel.
@zapp, on Oct 1 2007, 02:38 PM, said in EV:Pax; my planned TC:
I see Cosmic has taken that role flawlessly.
I humbly accept the immense honor that thou hast bestowed upon me. I shalt try to use it honorably, and in peace, not war.
I also think I'm gonna copy Shlimazel's "level up" idea, but put my own twist on it. If that's OK with you, Shlimazel.
Go ahead.
This TC is now officially going to be Übertastic.
This post has been edited by Cosmic_Nusiance : 01 October 2007 - 08:49 PM
If I could put away EVO and my UE Destroyer for a bit and dedicated all my nights to the TC, it could probably be done by the end of the week. But I haven't played EVO in forever and my UE Destroyer is Übertastic. Gah. Curse my love of the second installment of EV!
I propose that on this thread we will always use the word Übertastic instead of awesome.
Bad news. My mom went into conniptions after seeing my grades (which included 2 'C's) and took away the computer until Friday. Just when I had put EVO away and started working again, this happens! I bet Bill Gates never had this happen to him! OK, bad example... I bet this never happened to Einstein, or Galileo, or Socrates/Plato/Archimedes, or Christopher Columbus, or Jesus, or Buddha, or Muhammad, or whoever invented Hindu (I know there was no inventor, but I don't care!) or the ice cream man, or Billy Bob down the street, or the mail man, or the milk man (I think my mom actually slept with the milk man, even though the job no longer exists :blink: ) or everyone else that has never had this happen to them (especially all those lovely people that lived before computers existed). So that's my status report.
My mom went into conniptions after seeing my grades (which included 2 'C's)
That seems rather extreme....
She is rather extreme when it comes to my grades...
Just wondering, how are you posting if you have no computer?
I'm doing homework and have Firefox opened browsing webboards while doing my homework on Internet Explorer. My mom isn't even checking to make sure I do my homework. IMO, she trusts me too much, but I don't think I'm gonna get on her untrustworthy side. I'd rather she not check up on me than always be breathing down my neck.
Edit: Post 1200 seems like a milestone to me, so I'll just add that this is my 1,200th post. Most of the last 200 posts have been "Fast Reply"s. And this is a quick edit. Just to give you a view into my frame of mind.
This post has been edited by zapp : 02 October 2007 - 09:34 PM
Actually, that seems entirely reasonable reason to have a computer removed to me. Then again, my parents did it too.
Edit: I'd like to let everyone know that this is my 4,225th post. I'd also like to say that nobody cares and everyone feeling the need to let everyone know it's their xth post is getting really really old and pointless.
This post has been edited by JoshTigerheart : 03 October 2007 - 09:48 AM
I bet this never happened to Einstein, or Galileo, or Socrates/Plato/Archimedes, or Christopher Columbus, or Jesus, or Buddha, or Muhammad, or whoever invented Hindu (I know there was no inventor, but I don't care!) or the ice cream man, or Billy Bob down the street, or the mail man, or the milk man (I think my mom actually slept with the milk man, even though the job no longer exists ) or everyone else that has never had this happen to them (especially all those lovely people that lived before computers existed).
No, it probably didn't. Especially since none of those people had computers....
But, seriously, everyone has been disciplined one way or another by their parents at some point in time. That week will pass, and then you'll be in the gold. Try not to worry about it.
Wait... your mom slept with the milk man? O_o
EDIT: This is my 2,428th post. Just so you know.
This post has been edited by gray_shirt_ninja : 04 October 2007 - 05:20 PM
I've just been contracted out by JTH to do some Colosseum outfit graphics, but once that's done I'd be down for doing some for you.
By all means, do Josh's first. I want to see Colosseum ASAP.
Dude! How's it going? Just wondering.
@zapp, on Oct 1 2007, 01:38 PM, said in EV:Pax; my planned TC:
Curse my inability to retain long term memories! All I can ever remember pipeline saying is "Zapp, you're an idiot". I also seem to recall someone putting that in their sig
I just noticed these lines here. The phrase was "Zapp, don't be an idiot." And it was in several people's sigs. Closest thing ever said on these boards to becoming internet meme.
@archon, on Oct 4 2007, 05:05 PM, said in EV:Pax; my planned TC:
I've just been contracted out by JTH to do some Colosseum outfit graphics, but once that's done I'd be down for doing some for you.
Join the club!