Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • Quote

      Wait, you invented the scheme of naming fighters after animals? Sweet! Did you also invent the system of naming capital ships after mythical creatures?



    • Say, sorry to double post, but I was wondering if you need new ship graphics zapp. Are you making your own? Or are you using placeholders or what? Depending on what you need, I could probably make you some good quality ships. Just let me know by Friday at the lastest if you'd like some custom ships and let me know yea or nay.

    • @nebuchadnezzar, on Sep 18 2007, 11:23 AM, said in EV:Pax; my planned TC:

      Wait, you invented the scheme of naming fighters after animals? Sweet! Did you also invent the system of naming capital ships after mythical creatures?


      Well duh, of course I did! I was going to name my cap ships the Dragon, Puma, and Chupa-thingy.

      Though it looks like I forgot the smiley in my last post...

    • What about the Jackalope?

      Vell-os NERF suction-cup-dart?

    • @nil-kimas, on Sep 19 2007, 06:07 PM, said in EV:Pax; my planned TC:

      Vell-os NERF suction-cup-dart?

      Win. 😄

    • I'm using EVC/O placeholders, but I would like some custom ships. If you'd like to make 'em, I'd officially welcome you to the team (once I get it a little more polished you'd get a pre-Alpha version) and you get paid. In air. If you're interested, I can PM you what I need. And there'd be no deadline, just whenever you can fit it into your schedule would be great.

      And while on the topic of ship graphics, I could use someone that has some outfit graphics lying around that they're not gonna use. Whatever anyone can contribute will be great. And I won't have any credits: if you contribute, you get a pers named after you 😄 <----- Geek's idea

    • ahem

      I believe I started the përs thing by giving Geek one in Nebula. BTW, the subtitle is Grammar Nazi. It fits seeing as how he's doing spell checking for me. 😄

    • Whatever you say Cosmic... :rolleyes:

    • Quote


      I believe I started the përs thing by giving Geek one in Nebula. BTW, the subtitle is Grammar Nazi. It fits seeing as how he's doing spell checking for me.

      Wow! He invented perses! BOYOHBOYOHBOY!!! shock and awe


      I'm using EVC/O placeholders, but I would like some custom ships. If you'd like to make 'em, I'd officially welcome you to the team (once I get it a little more polished you'd get a pre-Alpha version) and you get paid. In air. If you're interested, I can PM you what I need. And there'd be no deadline, just whenever you can fit it into your schedule would be great.

      And while on the topic of ship graphics, I could use someone that has some outfit graphics lying around that they're not gonna use. Whatever anyone can contribute will be great. And I won't have any credits: if you contribute, you get a pers named after you <----- Geek's idea

      Sure, I can help with both. I can help over the weekend especially. Josh Tigerheart says he's covered as far as outfits go, and Cosmic Nuisance never sent me any info when I offered to help, so the only other thing on my plate right now is Spacelane. And you don't need to send me a pre-alpha version. I am quite happy with waiting for the final version like everyone else 😉

      This post has been edited by Shlimazel : 20 September 2007 - 09:39 AM

    • @cosmic_nusiance, on Sep 20 2007, 03:10 AM, said in EV:Pax; my planned TC:


      I believe I started the përs thing by giving Geek one in Nebula. BTW, the subtitle is Grammar Nazi. It fits seeing as how he's doing spell checking for me. 😄

      Actually, as far as I'm aware, the giving of pers's as credit has been going on since the original EV days. You will find that the majority of your ideas have been done before, multiple times. The EV/O/N plug-in community has been around a long time. Might want to stop trying to lay claim to everything.

    • @ephialtes, on Sep 20 2007, 03:29 PM, said in EV:Pax; my planned TC:

      Actually, as far as I'm aware, the giving of pers's as credit has been going on since the original EV days. You will find that the majority of your ideas have been done before, multiple times. The EV/O/N plug-in community has been around a long time. Might want to stop trying to lay claim to everything.

      Amen. I was about to post to this effect, but I doubted anybody would notice the 2001 join date next to my icon... But I just pointed it out.



    • Whoooi! I didn't realize that you had such a low member number! How can you have that member number and only have 122 posts?

    • @ephialtes, on Sep 20 2007, 11:29 AM, said in EV:Pax; my planned TC:

      Actually, as far as I'm aware, the giving of pers's as credit has been going on since the original EV days. You will find that the majority of your ideas have been done before, multiple times. The EV/O/N plug-in community has been around a long time. Might want to stop trying to lay claim to everything.

      Notice the slight sarcasm in my post.

    • @shlimazel, on Sep 20 2007, 04:11 PM, said in EV:Pax; my planned TC:

      Whoooi! I didn't realize that you had such a low member number! How can you have that member number and only have 122 posts?

      I've been away for long periods. I had mostly assumed the EV Community was dead, actually.

      Its nice to see that it isn't.


    • It's okay, Cosmic Nuisance. I know you were being funny.

    • Not to mention that at one point the boards converted from UBB or whatever it was to Invision. Everyone lost all of thier post counts. I should be at about 5,000 by now, for example.

      Yeah, if you haven't figured it out, I was joking up there. And I'm guessing nobody figured out the reference I was making...

    • @nil-kimas, on Sep 19 2007, 06:07 PM, said in EV:Pax; my planned TC:

      Vell-os NERF suction-cup-dart?

      In the copyright and intellectual property infringement case of Hasbro Co. vs. Vell-os People, the court finds in favor of...

    • OK Shlimazel, you're hired! Now all I have to do is learn how to type your name from memory... lol

    • Is the name EV:Impact taken? That was what came to mind when trying to think of a name...