3 million PSI... Yikes, you're going wear down that nozzle in a heart beat, assuming the piping doesn't burst first. Also assuming you have 3 million pounds of fuel to jam into an square inch. Anything between 1,000 and 10,000 PSI would probably a more realistic number.
How many years in the future are we? I think if we can use antimatter effectively, we can create 3,000,000 PSI easily enough.
Well, 1177 NC (when the game starts) is 3957 A.D. by our calendar. So we're almost into the 5th millenium when this happens.
Also, Kaoz: It's "Pyrogenesis" (sorry for being picky).
But still! 3 million PSI man! Are you crazy?!
You could make Diamonds out of...ANYTHING at that pressure.
A real space-based flamethrower would be more accurately called a PlasmaThrower (as that would still be a flame-like weapon).
We might be able to make tubing that could hold mega-pressures. But it would most likely be impractical and extremely expensive. Besides, the fuel requirements for such a weapon would be enormous. Would one be able to fit hundreds of millions of pounds for fuel on a ship just for the sake of one weapon?
OK OK! 3mil PSI is a bit too much... I must keep things in perspective from now on. And, thanks for the spell check. I really suck at it. Hukt awn fonix wurkt foar mee.
Remember your physics, folks - you aren't actually compressing the fluid much; you're just trying to encourage it to be elsewhere. "Pounds per square inch" represents the amount of force being applied at the surface of the fluid, not the amount of mass you can pack into a given area (otherwise it'd be "kilos per cubic centimeter" or something similar - that's density, not force). Now granted, at 3 million PSI (converting to SI, that's 8797636 kg/cm^2), you're talking about a heck of a lot of pressure! It's still not going to compress liquids, though; the only compressible phases of matter are gases and plasmas.
My usual brand of "BORK" cannon is often amusing. Just make a crazy-super beam weapon, which has a massive range, an unrelated sound and a comically wide beam, and it's named something like "BORK". You cannot defeat the BORK. The BORK is all-powerful. The BORK will destroy you. You have no chance against the BORK. Your minions will drop like dropping things when they face the BORK. The BORK will always be referred to in stupid short sentences.
Rofl, Fnoigy, but at this time I am only making weapons that make sense :D. Funny idea, though, I'm going to make that to use myself.
Sorry for the double post, but this topic got to a place where not many people would see it, and I was wondering if anybody was interested in doing a bit of testing for this plug? Also, I still need a few outside ideas, so post em!
I might be inclined to test the plug if I knew where it was...
This post has been edited by JacaByte : 10 April 2007 - 04:08 PM
It's not completely ready to be tested yet. I'm just trying to get an idea of who would like it.
I'd give it a shot. I could definately do spell-checkin' for you, and I'd like to see just how powerful those Anti-matter missiles are (and how big of a kaboom they make ;))
Where do I sign the roster? Or have I already?
I could definately do spell-checkin' for you, and I'd like to see just how powerful those Anti-matter missiles are (and how big of a kaboom they make ;))
I would love to have you spellcheck for me. About the Antimatter missile, I think you'll like it. And yes, you just did sign the roster.
Edit: I messed up the quote tag
This post has been edited by .:KaoZ:. : 10 April 2007 - 07:40 PM
@warlord-mike, on Mar 24 2007, 02:54 PM, said in Weapons Plug:
So, back to the original question: how much Antimatter should the missile have?
Well, 2 kilograms and you've got the same explosive power of the EMP Torp, which says it contains a Gigaton of TNT, but in a much smaller package.
Therefore, even for something 20 times bigger than the EMP Torp's reported explosive power, an Antimatter Missile would be actually quite small. I think probably this amount would satisfy what Kaoz is looking for.
Antimatter is too powerful and cost innefficient for any sense of balance when using it to be possible in EVN.
To destroy the Earth, which has a mass of 5,973,600,000,000,000,000,000 ton, you need 1,300,000,000,000 tons of antimatter. This means that antimatter can destroy somewhere around 4,595,076,923 times its own mass. So 1 ounce of antimatter can destroy ~143,596 tons of matter. A true antimatter missile would be severely unbalanced. Of course, you would need 437.5 billion credits for a 1-ounce antimatter missile, realistically.
More balanced antimatter missiles would contain about 189 mg of antimatter, enough to completely destroy a 1,000 ton ship (minus shields). This missile would cost about 62.5 billion credits to make.
So a realistic antimatter missile would cost more money than you can possibly have in EVN, and could totally destroy (pretty much) any ship in one shot. Even a ship with more mass than 143,596 tons would at least be rendered permanently out of service after being struck by a 1-ounce antimatter missile.
When you scale down to a realistic missile with a price inside the engine limits of Nova, you get a missile costing 2.3 billion credits, that can destroy a 37 ton ship in it's entirety. This is very inefficient compared to existing weapons already in EV Nova. So you must explain a way to get antimatter more cheaply than via a particle collider in your scenario, otherwise antimatter will be too inefficient for the cost.
Oh come on, this is about 1400 years into the future. Antimatter may be much cheaper by then.
@jacabyte, on Apr 12 2007, 09:58 AM, said in Weapons Plug:
Oh come on, this is about 1400 years into the future. Antimatter may be much cheaper by then.
What he said. On top of that, this IS a sci-fi game, innit? So an Antimatter missile should be quite possible (and therefore cheap; heck, the Polarans have the Antimatter REACTOR, for cryin' out loud) by that time.
You should at least say how you got the antimatter though, :p. Whether you produced it or found an anti-system in space or something.
Hmm...an anti-system may be interesting. Drains your shields and armor constantly while you are insystem as a result of the anti-particles floating in space (via Death-like ships, but weaker). Also, any stellars in system have the 'lethal' flag set ('cause you would be annihilated if you attempt to land on an anti-planet!). You could mine the asteroids in system to harvest anti-matter for missile and reactor factories back home. The antimatter junk resource would need the 'decays' flag set, to simulate some of it annihilating due to non-100% containment efficiency.
This post has been edited by apache1990 : 12 April 2007 - 12:15 PM
@apache1990, on Apr 12 2007, 01:12 PM, said in Weapons Plug:
You should at least say how you got the antimatter though, :p. Whether you produced it or found an anti-system in space or something.
It would be simpler to just say "In the aftermath of a huge undocumented raid on the Polaris, conducted by a Federation task force, science vessels collected antimatter from the reactors of disabled Polaris ships (or that huge amounts of antimatter were seized during the raid)". I'm too lazy to mess around with new systems at this point, but who knows what I'll do if I get motivated...
So a realistic antimatter missile would cost more money than you can possibly have in EVN, and could totally destroy (pretty much) any ship in one shot. Even a ship with more mass than 143,596 tons would at least be rendered permanently out of service after being struck by a 1-ounce antimatter missile.
IE- a small amount of metal dust?
And about antimatter astroids- wouldn't they have to be completely made of antimatter? That would be difficult to harvest...
For where the antimatter came from, I suppose I did forget stealing it, didn't I?
A special mining outfit (that is described as having appropriate antimatter containment systems installed) could be made that activates a bit allowing you to enter the said anti-system, so that no one with only a normal mining scoop may mine the anti-asteroids.
I'll start a side project and see how this sort of thing could work out.
This post has been edited by apache1990 : 12 April 2007 - 03:14 PM
I just saw what you wrote about Antimatter, and at least some of it is inaccurate.
The reason you want 1.3 x 10^12 tons of Antimatter to smash a 5.973 x 10^21 ton planet is not because Antimatter destroys more matter than itself.
It is because you are trying to generate enough force to push the rest of the planet's matter out of it's gravity-well, so that the remaining chunks don't fall back in again (I've seen that "Destroy the Earth" site too).
A spaceship does not depend upon it's own gravity well (Unless you're talking about Death-stars, and that's just poor tactical design.)
A 200 mg Antimatter warhead would have less punch than a 10 kiloton nuke (About 8.6 Kt)
This is still a nasty hit to take, but nowhere near this 1:143,596 ratio you're quoting.