I tried out 3.3.3 beta 2 for once in a long time- last time was 3.2, and I and seeking to replace the old (and buggy!) 3.0 on my Mac.
"This file could not be opened. The file could not be copied into the cache folder" error when opening Endgame Graphics. Opening Empire of Crime works well; opens lightning-fast, and shows the resources, even the largest instantly. Even the most gigantic resources open quick; the file contains 1570 descs, which is shown with a bit of waiting. Opening a new, saved plug works well. Opening EOC Graphics causes the same could not be copied... error. Opening Endgame Plugin works fine. It seems to mostly happen with big files, and especially with files labelled graphics. That is, 6 MB+ I dont know why. Small files (1.7 MB or less) always work fine. Though there was 4.4 Mb- FOTVE 1.0 b8- file that worked well, even if it is big. However, if I open another file and then the FOTVE file, I get the could not be copied into the cache folder error and when quitting it causes such a fatal crash that I have to Ctrl-Alt-Del and terminate the whole emulator. The desktop icons are never redawn.
I conclude that it crashes or refuses to open on big, multi-megabyte files.
But for the actual reason why its crashing.... Maybe Mission Computer is choking at a lack of some internal kind of memory thing? It cant be actual memory, as I have given it 50 MB. It cant be that System 7.5 is not designed to cope with such files, as ResEdit opens them fine and instantly. I think it is that my OS version is just too old for mission computer to work properly (designed for OS 8).
But I think it still harsh that every version must have some kind of problem under System 7.5 in Basilisk II. I mean, just because its not supported doesnt mean it has to, does it? 3.2 didnt have this kind of problem, but it had problems with saving files crashing badly and totally, which 3.3 thankfully fixes. And opening files took forever; I was a bit skeptic on 3.3.3 actually being completely as fast as advertised, as advertising says things are better than they are, but saw that 3.3 really does open files instantly.
I know that its for OS 8 and up only. I know its done on a PowerPC. But it still seems a bit harsh that you wont fix for 7.5 (Some people have been able to run the Classic Edition on Macintosh System 7.x and on Windows-based Macintosh emulators, but such configurations are unsupported, you say on your site..) After all, emulators wont run anything except 7.5 out of the box, and I certainly arent paying $50 for OS 8. And besides, the main reason was that I wanted to submit something as a bug report. Maybe it happens with the other versions too, then it could be useful to fix the bug, it could be useful in later versions. Or is that it only happens on System 7.5- multi-megabyte files are no problem in 9 and X?