Progress log
Homeworld (tentative name) is yet an other TC... though with a twist. Unlike all other TCs that I know off, Homeworld happens in the near future (2325, to be precise) and before any kind of hyper-space travel exist. Yep, that means that everything happens in the solar system (made up of 2 or so sΛst).
Governments & planets
Earth is still the most important planet by far, with six space ports split between three powers:
Western Alliance: Basically a loose federation of the EU, the US, Latin America and a couple of associated countries. Generally the most powerful Human government. Controls half of the Moon, Mercury, various stations/arcologies, Ceres and other asteroids.
Confucian Confederation: China with the rest of East Asia as vassals. The great rival of the WA ("Cold War" style though, while missions/descriptions makes it clear that they are opposed, they are not at war). Controls the other half of the Moon, most of Venus, various arcologies and some asteroids.
Indian Federation: Present-day India. Only other Earth government with a space presence, but very much a second-rank power compared to the other two. One port on Venus and some arcologies.
Martian Republic: recently proclaimed its independence, uniting the former Western and Confucian colonies on Mars. Still at war with both of them, though only the WA is still actively trying to get its possessions back.
Galilean Union: Independent, but as vassal from Western Alliance. Controls several Jovian moons; based on Callisto. Claims the whole of the Jovian system. At war with Jovians and Europa.
Jovian Federation: Independent, but as vassal from Confucians. Controls several Jovian moons; based on Ganymede. Claims the whole of the Jovian system. At war with Galileans and Europa.
Europa: Only truly independent state in the Jovian System. Holds Europa. At war with Jovians and Galileans.
Exos: Post-humans genetically modified to survive in vacuum. Mainly occupy the Asteroid Belt. At war with the Earth powers, actively raiding them for resources. Generally more advanced technologically.
One of the dominant theme of the TC is tritium. Pseudo-science, I know, but anyway, here is how it goes : most things in Homeworld (including spaceships) are powered by nuclear fusion, which requires tritium. Tritium is itself energy-intensive to produce - only abundant solar energy is really enough. As a result, there is a System-wide supply chain of it: the cheapest is made on Mercury, the rest either on the Moon or in great "Solar Feeders" in orbit around the main planets, and it is shipped to the major industrial centres. As a result, the further away you are from the Sun, the more expensive it generally gets.
The other great source of resources, this time mostly metal and pure carbon, is the asteroid belt. It is thus a vital area and a fighting ground for the various governments.
Since I needed to have different landing locations on most planets, I used "spaceports": the planet itself is a spΓΆb on which t's impossible to land, and the various spaceports are independent spΓΆbs floating on top of it. It works quite well, with the usual caveat on sΛsts split between governments. Earth itself is made up of two systems, one with its Western Hemisphere showing, the other with the Eastern one:
Note that ship graphics in those screenshots comes from Polycon
While I aim to have 100% original graphics in the end, for the moment nearly all the ships comes from the Polycon TC (with the author's permission, of course). Custom graphics already done include mainly spΓΆbs so far. Samples:
Western Alliance arcology (large):
Human asteroid settlement (landing view):
The Solar System is made up of a great number of systems, mostly "clumps" corresponding to each planetary system connected by long paths. The fairly long paths are made long on purpose - they may take some time to cross, especially the first time, but they make the player "feel" the distance between planets. I'm tired of universes where any good ship can go from one end of the galaxy to the other in 30 sec... I want going from Earth to Mars to be a journey, from Venus to Jupiter to be an expedition, and from Mercury to Neptune to be an odyssey! BTW, most ships (exceptions include the shuttle and some cheap fighters) have fuel for at least ten jumps, so it's not like it's not possible to travel from one planet to an other in one go either.
Earth, Mars, Asteroid Belt
Venus, Mercury, The Sun
Barely started that part, but basically I'm going to try doing something a bit different from the usual "recurring missions for cash" + "mission strings" EV thing. The main idea is that the various governments will have a large number of recurring missions of varying difficulty and importance. Which of those missions are available depends on your grade in that government. Progressing in that (including getting the initial grade) requires doing special one-off missions - but chaining those is not really possible, since everyone of them requires a much better legal record than the preceding one, and the only real way of getting that record up is to make the regular missions. Exemple, from the Western Alliance mission "block":
- Transition mission one: emergency delivery of military equipment, under fire. Grants "Auxiliary Private" grade and access to:
- Recurring military cargo shipment missions
- Transition mission two (available after two-three cargo shipments): observation of Martian fleet. Grants "Auxiliary Private First Class" and access to:
- Enemy monitoring missions, crew rescue missions
- Transition mission three: undercover destruction of Confucian freighter carrying important cargo. Grants "Auxiliary Sergeant" and access to next set of missions, ect.
This has two main aims: first, to give players more interesting ways of earning money than to courrier around for ever, and second, to stop players from just playing all the non-recurring missions one after the other and end the TC in two hours
Progress log, 8/10/2006:
"Galaxy": Halfway done (Sun to Belt, plus empty Jovian system)
Ships: Half done
Outfits: Half done
Missions: just started
SpΓΆbs: Mostly done. Only some more spacestations
Ships: Not started
Outfits/weapons: One third done
Comments and reactions welcome - if there's something people react very negatively to from the start, I'd rather know it now
Offers of help, especially graphics and testing, welcome too. Someone feeling like doing say the ships of one government or an other would be a godsend
This post has been edited by Kinniken : 08 October 2006 - 02:02 PM