Those are all right.
OK cool, now to figure out the problem with my misn, The other stuff works now, but my misn wouldnt show up so im going to try them in game again. Their ID numbers are within the Nova ID Ranges.
Also, if the hypergates are in the file i uploaded then can somone please check why they arent connecting? :blink:
Im not sure, but wouldnt the number 10000 in the available stellar in misn resource would mean the misn would show up in Fed. space right? :unsure: Cuase mines not showing up. The first one does but not the second... <_<
This post has been edited by chronodrago : 02 August 2006 - 10:02 PM
It would mean that it'd show up on spobs belonging to govt 128. Which is Federation. But there are four govts labeled Federation in the govt resource.
The Bounty Hunter missions which you can only do in Fed space have the availible field set to 10000, so that should work.
And I would check the hypergates for you except that the problem hypergates don't exist in any system...
This post has been edited by JacaByte : 03 August 2006 - 09:36 AM
Uh yeah...Sry...ill amke a new zipped file and post it. This time with the hypergates, misn, and the systems. Hopefully its just a number wrong with the misn resources...
(EDIT)OK here it is, stuff, Also, I've knowticed that the new systems don't display a message bouy. I created a str resource for it and i put in the resourcenumber in the message bouy category in the syst resource. But they dont show up... <_< And neither does my pers hail quote. Only his comm quote works, the other doesnt...but i think i forgot that one. Oops :laugh:
This post has been edited by chronodrago : 03 August 2006 - 10:55 AM
@jacabyte, on Aug 3 2006, 11:02 AM, said in jumping into hyperspace above a planet:
Odd... the hypergates work perfectly well. :unsure: Both ways too.
ARG!! :mad: I hate it when my EV Nova does this. For some reason I have to "empty" Nova's "temporary cache". I always start a new pilot after i update. And everytime i change something i take out the plugin and run ev nova again, so that tthe debug log is perfect. Then i put my plugin back in and run ev nova again. But apparently that procedure doesn't work as well as i thought, or hoped...
@jacabyte, on Aug 3 2006, 11:02 AM, said in jumping into hyperspace above a planet:
And the buoy messages are supposed to be entered into the str# resource. Not the str resource.
REally? I thought the str resource was what patched the str# resources. Thats what the ev bible said, unless i misunderstood what it was pertaining too.
can somone else verify this for us plz?
why yes...your not entirely sure and im totally confused, so a verification would be profitable to both of US.
Yes, the STR s are used to patch certain STR#s, message buoys and pers quotes included. If you check your resource guide, chronodrago, you'll notice that the comm and hail quote STR IDs actually differ by 1 which is probably what's causing that one to not sure up. Not sure about the message buoy, try adjusting its ID up/down by 1 to see if that helps.
@jacabyte, on Aug 3 2006, 03:23 PM, said in jumping into hyperspace above a planet:
I tested this and it didn't work.
Exactly what are you refering to?
My Comm quote works, but not the hail. Here are the ID numbers:
Message Bouys:1021,1022,1023
But when i enter the number inside the syst, do i enter 1021 or 21?Also, Jaca do you know why the misns arent continuing? I double checked the control bits and they are valid and not already taken... :huh:
Can you send me the file back please? A while ago i brought my plugin to my friend and when i converted them in, the plugin misns worked, they had never worked on my computer. So if I redownload the files and re name it as somethign else, it may work....hopefully.
We really should have a smiley that shows red smoke coming out of and angry face....It would work perfect for right now. :mad:
(EDIT)Apparently the second mission works now, but the next one doesnt. I just resaved the fiel with a new name. It has the same effect. For some reaosn the misn never shows up unless the misn is 100% chance. Also, some of my weapon grpahics contaiminate the system for that time until you land or jump. So if i fire my EMP Nuke, all of a sudden IR missles havce the same explosion graphic, while in other systems, they are not,....
This post has been edited by chronodrago : 03 August 2006 - 07:22 PM
@chronodrago, on Aug 3 2006, 05:41 PM, said in jumping into hyperspace above a planet:
Can you send me the file back please?
Sure thing.
Thanks, the missions seem to be working, ill update you guys on them later. Its really weird. And my hypergates still dont work so im going to replace the old ones in my plugin with the same "new" ones i just downloaded.
Does anyone seem to know why EV Nova is doing this? I restart a pilot everytime i update the plugin, so thats not the problem. And i also knowticed that any plugins that create new missions almost never work on my ev nova. :huh: The EVN Battle Arena Intro Mission doesnt work and i had conquered the whole Polaris Race.
@guy, on Aug 3 2006, 10:19 PM, said in jumping into hyperspace above a planet:
You enter 21.
I'm sry, but i have no clue of what 21 pertains to... :huh:
@jacabyte, on Aug 4 2006, 07:55 AM, said in jumping into hyperspace above a planet:
You may want to start a new topic about how to get this weirdness with Nova stopped, Chronodrago
Ya, but where should i start the topic?
And also the hypergates still aren't working.... :mad:
This post has been edited by chronodrago : 04 August 2006 - 10:08 AM