@jacabyte, on Aug 2 2006, 02:15 PM, said in jumping into hyperspace above a planet:
Oh, and I forgot, I think your require field needs to have the first bit set.
Edit: No! It isn't that! You outfits are out of range! You can only have 512 outfits and the resource IDs start at 128. 512+128=640. The ID of your hyperjump distance modifier is 642. I shall now go test this...
Yup. That was it.
Thank you soooo much, i never knew that..or i forgot to check the max in my resource guide.
Im guessing as well that 640 is not a valid RID either since diplomatic immunity doesnt show up either. <_<
I think i forgot to put the misn data in that file so I'm going to check the numbers on it and see if that might be the problem for them also. I hope not... 
(EDIT)Wait, my resrouce guide says these are the valid ID ranges. Are they right? Im using EVN 1.0.9 atm, but i dont think its the versions problem.
Valid ID Ranges
shän 128-895
bööm 128-191
crön 128-639
düde 128-639
flët 128-383
gövt 128-383
jünk 128-255
mďsn 128-1127
nëbu 128-159
öops 128-383
oütf 128-639
përs 128-1150
ränk 128-255
röid 128-143
shďp 128-895
spöb 128-2175
s˙st 128-2175
wëap 128-383
(EDIT2)I do believe i put the hypergate spobs in that plugin as well. I cant seem to figure out why the hypergates wont connect. The hyperlinks are set up right on both the old and the new hyypergates, but the old only connect with the old and mine only connect with mine. Its really odd.
This post has been edited by chronodrago : 02 August 2006 - 08:24 PM