has 1.0.A changed them?
Searching the forum I found the following information in a couple of disparate places:
Used bits in Nova 1.0.9:
0-90, 96, 123-149, 152-170, 175, 178-237, 250, 275-327, 330-335, 340-341, 347-377, 415,
417, 422-446, 450, 467, 500, 502-503, 509-513, 515-519, 600-613, 650-653, 666-667, 677, 681,
749-753, 800-819, 838, 850-852, 995,
1000, 1100, 1300-1309, 1500-1502, 3000-3007, 3009, 3015, 3025, 3050, 3721, 3789,
4000, 4322, 4444, 5757-5765, 5770, 5999-6034, 6100-6106, 6137, 6200-6206, 6300-6302,
6666, 6723-6724, 7777-7788, 7878-7880, 8338-8340, 8444, 8888-8911, 9011-9015, 9111,
9200-9208, 9215-9216, 9333-9334, 9500-9501, 9666, 9812, 9995, 9998-9999
The EV:Nova scenario (v1.0.2) uses the following contribute bits:
Contribute0 uses 000003FF (the low order 10 bits) leaving 22 bits free for our usage.
Contribute1 uses C0000071 leaving 26 bits free.
As an addendum, the Contribute0 flags are used by the ränk and oütf resources and the Contribute1 flags are used by the shďp resources.
Does anyone have a list of current (version 1.0.A) bits and contribute bits used?
More important to me, does anyone have a utility for OS 9 that I can use to compile such lists myself?