OK... back to the original topic everyone!
@dr--trowel, on Jul 8 2006, 10:12 AM, said in spob graphics:
chronodrago: You're on a PC, right? On a Mac, I'd say you may have a problem with the bit depth of your mask, but I'm guessing you are letting EVNEW generate the mask by itself.... You may need help from someone PC-based to solve your crashes
If you make your own mask manually and feed that to EVNEW instead of letting the app build it by just assuming that all black in your image should be masked, though, you at least should get rid of unwanted holes in the rleD.
Yes i am on a PC, and im letting evnew generate the mask on its own, becuase im using rled so i really dont need the rle8 or selecting the mask option in the rled resource. They work fine and the holes dont bother me becuase the graphic still looks great. And i also found that the rled can work just fine without anyother files.
I created the debuglog.txt and this is what it camee up with for my plugin.
warning: Harbor (1426) lacks landing picture for stellar type
warning: Harbor (1426) has a bar but no bar description
warning: Harbor (1427) has a bar but no bar description
warning: Harbor (1428) lacks landing picture for stellar type
warning: Harbor (1428) lacks landing description
warning: Harbor (1428) has a bar but no bar description
warning: Barbados (1429) lacks landing description
warning: Barbados (1429) has a bar but no bar description
warning: (444) lacks description
warning: Smart Nuke Launcher (542) lacks description
warning: outfit item 541 grants ammo to weapon 311, which doesn't use its own ammo
warning: Galinthor Starbridge (419) has a trade-in value of 816250 but costs only 725000
BTW: i really dont knw what this thing is talking aobut "warning: outfit item 541 grants ammo to weapon 311, which doesn't use its own ammo" Becuase i checked it out and the ammunition outfit is for weap 311 and the outfit resource is for weap 311. But aperently in game the stellar nuke is the amunnition for the smart nuke. Its really odd.