"From the ev-nova.net progress log!" said:
Okay, time to let you know of the new and improved Rigante line-up to come! Note: These are NOT the official descriptions, they are small summaries of each feature.
Hurricane - A small, dive-bomber capable of taking out ships over 5 times it's size in a few strategically placed blows. Piloted only by the flying elite of the navy.
Phantom - This is the standard Rigante fighter craft, used in squads of 4 or more, they can be utterly devastating on patrol.
Braefar - This still smallish-sized gunboat is one of the best balanced in the navy. It is fast, manouverable and yet devastating in power.
Waylander - This heavy gunboat makes up the backbone of the Rigantean Navy, capable of fending off capital-class craft alone the Waylander is truly an awesome ship.
Midnight Falcon - This is the largest ship in the fleet, a weapons platform boasting some of the deadliest gunnery and scud engineering known to man. It is still relitavely small and agile, yet packs a punch.
Banouin - The Banouin is a small trade craft, used to escort ambassadors, small cargo loads and to escort it's larger cousin - the Quhab.
Quhab - The Quhab is an enormous freighter ship, capable of huge cargo loads and commonly used by the Rigantean government to ship ore throughout the mining industry so central to Rigante economy.
Scud Projectile Revolver - A fast paced flak cannon, used to sweep open space with explosive projectiles in order to take care of enemy fighter craft.
Light Artillery - Sais it all really, a small and fairly weak piece of gunnery fitted in large numbers to almost every ship of the navy. Crude yet effective.
Medium Artillery - This gun is far more effective than it's predescessor, firing shells frequently and effectively. The result of firing is a constant barrage of small, powerful and highly explosive shells.
Heavy Artillery - What has been said above, only slower, and more deadly 
Swivel Light Culverin - This is a much weaker and yet much faster cariant of te artillery range, allowing for quick bursts of fire in order to devastate fighter swarms as the turret tracks each one down via AI technology.
Light Culverin - This is the same principle, yet fires straight.
Medium Culverin - Again, the smae principle, only slower and more powerful.
Quad Light Culverin Turret - This gun turret is fitted as standard to te Midnight Falcon, and offers the best in point-defense systems. Not only does having four of these swivel guns firing at once make it more deadly, ut the fact that the actual gun itself is controlled by an expert team of gunners concealed inside the machinery.
Glaive Launcher - The Glaive is the most common weapon amongst other in the navy. It is almost identical to the Raven Rocket, only much faster and less powerful - allowing it to be fitted to small fighters such as the Phantom, for missile support.
- Rigante
Battle Station 1
- Keltoi
Battle Station 2
- New Scotland
New Scotland
- Bannockburn
BBS Missions
1. Escort Militia Squad
2. Dispatch Intelligence Personnel
3. Retreive Stolen Papers
4. Pirate Bounty
Hobgoblin Ale
The storyline looks to be around 15-16 missions or more, and is getting more intriguing by the day 
There you have it, and there'll be more to come. This is only a teaser, and many new ideas are in production 
This post has been edited by Ravenheart : 03 April 2006 - 03:56 AM