Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • Run Away?

      Was this ever implemented?

      I am curious to know if the "Run Away" escort command was ever implemented in any version of Nova. I have read about it on EVula's Lair and a few other places, but it doesn't appear in the docs. If it is there, what would it take to be able to issue the command to other ship types besides freighters?

      Also, I have read that in the early (beta?) versions, the escort commands were much more sophisticated, and they toned it way down in the later versions for simplicity's sake. Can anyone tell me what used to be possible with escort commands?

    • As far as I know, which isn't far, there is no run away command. The closest thing would be hold position, cuz they stop shooting. Of course, they are exact opposites. I'm no help.

    • However, return to formation makes them return to your ship, which is usually in the middle of the battle. Set them to hold position at the edge of the system, and recall them when the enemy moves over to your escorts.

    • @zapp, on Jun 12 2006, 03:19 PM, said in Run Away?:

      As far as I know, which isn't far, there is no run away command. The closest thing would be hold position, cuz they stop shooting. Of course, they are exact opposites. I'm no help.

      Only if they're freighters. Anything else will attack enemies when they get into range.

    • Exactly. Especially anything with PD turrets. I can be cloaked on the other side of the system, escorts holding position. Sometimes my escorts will be in the vicinity of an enemy fighter, and after a few PD volleys, they have antagonized an entire fleet. I then have to dash to their rescue, weapons blazing, and order them to return to formation/defend/attack, so at least they can maneuver around to defend themselves properly. It's chaotic. So, a run away command would be useful for keeping all ship types out of trouble.

    • From what I can tell, when you tell escorts to "return to formation" they will definetly attack any hostile units in their range or go after them bit only if you are far away from them, otherwise if you close to one of your escorts, they will return to formation by your side.

      This post has been edited by Coraxus : 15 June 2006 - 02:52 PM

    • @kgb, on Jun 12 2006, 12:22 PM, said in Run Away?:

      Also, I have read that in the early (beta?) versions, the escort commands were much more sophisticated, and they toned it way down in the later versions for simplicity's sake. Can anyone tell me what used to be possible with escort commands?

      In the early betas, the escort menu offered slightly more control - I haven't looked at it in ages, but I think it was a list of behaviours that you could tab through - but it got changed back to something more like the previous games (though keeping the division into categories and the added Defend command) because the new system was to cumbersome to use quickly in the middle of a battle.