lol Liannasu..thats an awesome idea, but i wont take it. When u make the plugin email it to me or show some pictures, that would be awesome.
Here are some screenshots of my ship during various shots. Im going to have to do like 4 different posts.... <_< (attachment=1710:attachment) This one is during me just firing wihtout a targeting, but notice i have the capacitator pulse laser thing(whihc automatically uses the weapons rleD)
Heres the next one...
This is without the pulse laser, so as u can see the primary weaps dont use the rleD.
And another...
This is a screenshot of primary weaps with targeting....This is when the weapon rleD shows up.
These next two pictures show how i get all my money to get all my stuff, including the ship that cost 80 mil. And just another weap that loks awesome with my ship exit points.
Imagine being in the enemy ship, while this is coming at u.
(its meant for asteroids though, and i dont know how to make a ship burst into flames.