I'm a graphics guy at heart, so I don't have too many requests:
-An interface that can support true, variable transparency. Not everything in life is square (or opaque!). Just support PNG24 and I'll be really happy.
-The ability to add to/subtract to the interface when you buy certain outfits, go on missions, etc.
-Customizable interface contents by ship. For example, a heavy freighter might want to have a complete cargo manifest shown in the interface, where a fighter is more concerned about shields and weapons systems.
-Building on an idea earlier, an outfitter's where you can see your ship and view the weapons additions before you buy them. Window shopping has always been a fun part of EV, and it would be even cooler if you could see the stuff as it would be on your ship Gage calls a friend over and says: "Look! Look! One day I'll be able to afford those Polaron Scythes, and then pirates will fear me!" Just think of it as "pimp my ride", EV style.
The one thing I wouldn't like is planetary excursions. I think it would ruin EV. EV has always been a space faring game. It's about your ship. Besides, do you have any idea how many models, textures, and how much lighting is required just to do something as simple as a town square with outfitter's booths? You can keep the text-based interface for that, thank you very much.
This post has been edited by Gage_Stryker : 06 February 2006 - 10:16 PM