NebuchadnezzaR, on Oct 14 2005, 08:51 PM, said:
No, obligating certain ship classes is uneccisarily(sic) limiting. Or however you spell that ######ing word. (That would be "unnecessarily".
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I also agree. "Cruiser to A3. Cruiser takes destroyer."
If you regimentize a war game too much, you will lose all hope of gaining useful information from it.
About the map: I don't really mind. I just had it lying around, with no place to use it, and decided to post it. Simpler maps do make sense for strategy-vs-strategy games- actually, having a fixed map might be little more than a formality, depending on how things go.
A few more points:
How much trade is there within Team A's territory? They need to account for civilians coming through their gates, as well as enemies.
Is there any trade between A and B, or has there been no traffic through system 6's gates for such a long time that we have no information at all about the defenses in A's systems?
What sort of acceleration is reasonably possible for capital ships? 0.1c in an hour? A day? A week? Longer?
And, as this makes a tremendous difference in how strategies play out, how exactly do hypergates work? Permanent, one-to-one connections? How wide are they? How far from inhabited planets? How long is the tunnel between gates, if any? Is the opening two-dimensional (circle), or three (sphere)? If the former, is a gate one-sided, or two? Is there any maximum speed that you can go through them at? How fragile are the gate structures?
@Neb: I've had fun thinking through your stargates- they really start to, ah, shine if you don't put any cap on maximum distance you can travel.
@Qaanol: I send you a hologram of a message pod, lying on a stretcher, with an arrow sticking out of it. 
@Team B: I can't get online more than once or twice a day, and only for long periods after 22:00 PDT, so I'm afraid email and/or PM will be the only way I can converse.