I'm having a devil of a time getting crons to work right.
Their behavior seems to change without rhyme or reason.
Is there a annotated cron template somewhere?
I'm aware that if pre, duration, post are all 0, then the OnEnd will excecute twice. (Although I have found that this is not always the case for some reason.)
I'm trying to get around this buy setting a bit to run a different cron so I can use its OnStart field.
(pre, duration, post set at 0 for both crons)
Cron 1:
EnableOn: b1
OnStart: (an iterative function to do stuff)
OnEnd: !b1 b2
Cron 2:
EnableOn: b2
OnStart: !b2 g128
I only want outfit 128 to get added once. So I can't put it in the iterative loop, and can't put it in the OnEnd of cron 1 since it gets executed twice. Setting a bit twice shouldn't matter, though.
Now what happens is that outfit 128 get added twice anyway! Even if I put 1 day into the post holdoff.
Even more strange, I have used the exact same functionality with different items and crons in another place, and it works perfectly.
What would cause this?
If it matters, the crons all run planetside. When the items getts added twice, the first happens planetside, the other happens upon taking off.
If cron 2 also disables itself by clearing it's own enabing bit, this shouldn't be happening right?
This post has been edited by Desprez : 09 November 2005 - 04:42 PM