Without the player info box
I notice that Nova doesn't continuously monitor the status of your outfits while in flight.
That is, it seems to make a check when you take off, and only rembers that initial state, even if it changes in-flight.
But there's an exception to this. Every time you Gxxx of Dxxx an item in flight, Nova immediatly recalculates what's on your ship.
So, say you have a missile that is also a speed mod. You want your ship to speed up after it is launched or something. The mass of the missile slows you down while you have it.
So you fire the missle expecting Nova to know that you don't have that mod anymore... and it doesn't work. This is because Nova hasn't recalculated yet.
All you have to do though, is Gxxx and Dxxx an item real quick - ANY ITEM - and suddenly Nova realizes that you no longer have the speed mod.
So, you could have a mission 128 that warps in a ship that dies after 20 frames, triggering onShipDone: a128 s128 g500 d500
where item 500 is any placeholder item, even if it's completely unrelated to the item with mods.
This will make Nova recalculate all the contents of your ship every few seconds.
You could do it through a player activated "Abort Me" mission too.
I'm kinda new to this whole NCB stuff, so someone else might find a way to trigger things faster.
Anyway, I just confirmed that it works with carried fighters and missiles. I had a fighter that also doubled as an IFF, and a missile as a negative speed mod. After launching them, the radar greyed and my ship sped up, respectively, after a couple seconds. When I recalled the fighter I got my IFF back. Cool.
Edit: You know, you could make everything affect speed and turning with something like this. Evey missile and fighter could add a tiny bit of flight performance peanalty. The more you use up, the better your ship will handle with the reduced weight.
Maybe an old, outdated fighter could gain the benefit of a modern missiles tracking system (IFF/Density), while he still has the missile, that is...
(IIRC, one of the earlier models of the A-10 didn't have night-vision systems. But an IR Maverick Missile DID, and the pilot could see with the missile's camera - until he launched the missile. So there is some basis in reality for such a system.)
Oh wow, it works with a cloaking device on carried fighter too! I tried to time it so that I could launch the fighter and then cloak in between updates, and a second later it even uncloaked me!
This post has been edited by Desprez : 07 November 2005 - 08:29 AM