Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • I would like to know how

      to make a plug

      After looking at the bits, you could get back into the Auroran string with a relatively simple plug-in. Write a mission that clears bit b518, then head to Codec in Codehaven for the next mission.

      Alternatively, you could write a plug that clears bit b803, then go to New Ireland to resume the Wild Geese missions( which does not neccessarily doom you to the Pirate storyline, if McGowan accepts the peace proposal (50% chance)).

      I can't help much with writing plugs on a PC, but you can get help in the Developer's Corner.

      can anyone help?

    • What?? :blink:

      (EDIT) Oh I see, that's a quote from Flyboy. You might want to make that clear. Well I'm about to turn in but you should check the Member-run FAQ and the Important Links topics to help get you started.

      This post has been edited by Guy : 04 November 2005 - 03:34 AM

      1. Open EVNEW. (Yes, that is the right page. Scroll down.)

      2. Double-click on "misn" in the list on the left-hand side of the window. This will create a new mission resource.

      3. A rather large window will appear, containing two columns of text-entry fields and one column of checkboxes. The default values that EVNEW puts into these fields will work perfectly well for the purpose of clearing a bit, so you can leave most of them alone.

      4. Find the "Name" filed (in the upper left-hand corner of the window), and type in "Clear Bit 518" (or anything else you want- this is the name that appears in the Mission BBS, and should be identifiable).

      5. Find the field labeled "On Accept", about two-thirds of the way down the second column. click in it, and type "!B518". This will clear ("!" means clear) bit 518 as soon as you accept the mission.

      6. Find the checkbox labeled "Auto-aborts", and set it. This will cause the mission to abort just after you start it, so that you don't have a useless mission hanging around forever.

      7. Save the plug-in, and move it into the "Nova Plugins" directory. Launch Nova.

      8. Land on the first inhabited planet you see, go to the Mission BBS, and accept the mission "Clear Bit 518". You should now be able to get the Sigma missions. As soon as possible, you should remove the plug from your plugins directory, as it overrides the first Vell-os mission. (This is because its Resource ID is 128, the same as that of the first Vell-os mission, and resources from plug-ins override resources with the same number from the data files. The Resource ID can be changed in the editor window, but in this case it wasn't important.)

      9. Congratulate yourself. You have just created your first plug-in. Read some tutorials, and keep playing around with plugs.

      If you want to clear bit 803, and continue the Wild Geese storyline, change the "!B518" to "!B803".
