GutlessWonder, on Jul 31 2005, 01:04 AM, said:
If you can import graphics, you can export them, too, the process is very similar.
For picts and RleDs and the like, open up the specific resource you wish to export, then go up to File > Export. A dialog box will come up asking you to supply further information, including where you want the picture to be saved and what you want it to be called. Enter information as appropriate, then click ok. EVNEW should save it as a .bmp file to the location and name you specified.
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The problem is this: Yes, I get a dialog from EVNEW, and it gives me a browser box to save/specify file name. It seems like it works, but no files appear in the directory I specify. :huh: I've tried saving to different disks, different folders, the same folder as the .rez file, and even done a search for every .bmp file I have on my computer (Took a long time... darned pr0n
So, it seems to be a different issue than where the file goes.
I've installed qt v 5 to 7 and none of them will export a PICT file for me. :mad: Another thread (the link for which I don't currently have) said that QT media layer couldn't open the .bmp resource on that particular user's installation and reinstalling QT fixed their problem. Not mine. <_<
If I can't export, I'll have to go the screenshot route I suppose... :unsure:
(I'm playing with smileys, they're fun!)
As to the issues that pipeline mentioned regarding the resource limitations, they don't exist for the PC as far as the resource manager goes .rez is padded to provide more address space than EV Nova can use AFAIK. We wondows people are working with the EV Nova engine limitations I think (pipeline, how much of the engine strictures are inhereted from the Mac development environment?)
Explained better -link below- is a bit of difference between the Mac resources and the .rez file format used by Windows PCs.;=
This link mentioned earlier by Guy is an excellent informative post. Thank you Guy.