Originally posted by Pyro:
**ive had about enough of plug in ratings. There so pointless. People, im not mentioning names, keep rating there own plugs so much higher then killing everyone elses rankings, cmon, if we cant keep this civilized it shouldn't be there at all. Andrew, if you get the time could you just remove the rankings entirely, the alternative solution of allowing mods to keep certain people from voting would be to complicated and the process should probably just be removed entirely. Anyone with me post here.
I wouldn't count on any big changes on the site at this time, and certainly not because one little crank can't seem to keep from messing everything up. I've seen a total of about three seriously tampered with ratings, and they've been reset each time. Simple.
Originally posted by Mag Steelglass:
**I think a reviews section or a reviews site would be nice. Then we could still rate them, but the anonymity would be gone, and people would get a better idea of what people liked and didn't like about each plug.
Yes, indeed, it would be nice, but again, I can't see it happening anytime soon.
Originally posted by Avatara:
**Kinda like the ones at Amazon, where we give it a rating out of 5 stars, and give our reasons why its a good/bad plug
If you think about it, this wouldn't change anything. People could still post under false names and write whatever they wanted.
Originally posted by Count Altair:
**Various Insults to Eminem
If there is a person logging on to 50 computers at once, instead of changing the system to fit around him, why not just kick him off the system. Instead of reworking all the add-ons pages (note: all of them would have to be changed) it would be much simpler to just e-mail the culprit involved. Which I guess I'm going to have to do, since you've all brought this up.
I'd also ask that you don't go and bug andrew with all of this, if he thought the problem justified changing anything, he'd change it.
Just as another note, who's going to program all this new stuff?