Dr. Trowel, on May 3 2005, 11:17 AM, said:
I like!
Have you already tested parts of your plan?
R(Cxxx, Cyyyy) should give you a random decision between two ships, I think. There has been discussion of nesting (e.g. R(R(Cxxx, Cyyyy), R(Czzz, Cwww))), but I don't remember whether it was determined to work or not. If it doesn't, just add more "R" events earlier in your chain of missions, so that (for instance) there are really 2 or more different invisible ships, each leading to different ship possibilities.
I'd throw in some Hxxx's and Exxx's, just to be more random and (occasionally) more evil.
Ships I'd like to see as possible outcomes:
Cargo drone
Child wraith
Pirate Carrier
Or you could make new ships -- there are some wacky sprites out there already, for example in Eeun's shipyard. Or you could spin some of the stock models of things like furniture and household appliances that are included free with most 3D programs. If you want to go that last route, maybe we could talk....
There are discussions of invisibility in at least one of the Hitchhiker's books. The great spaceship Bistromath used a S.E.P. device -- a "Somebody Else's Problem" projector that made viewers assume that the ship was simply an unimportant informal restaurant, rather than something worth worrying about. Improbability may be a better theory for your cloak, though, since it could follow that an improbable ship is improbable to hit....
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Thanks, that should help. No, I haven't started working on it but I am going to. The furniture and appliances is a good idea too. And for weapons to hit your ship, NebuchadnezzaR, they have to hit the GRAPHICS of your ship. Since the ship doesn't have graphics, it can't be hit. This will be most helpful when you're gunned down by a bunch of Auroran Carriers & Cruisers, because there are still railguns going after you cloak and they stop firing.