Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • A New Plug

      Can someone render ships for me?

      I am making a new plug. I have the storyline idea and ships. But, I need someone to render the ship ideas I have since I have no 3D graphics program. I need help. Any ideas are welcome.

    • Unfortunately the way it tends to work is that anybody that is skilled enough to render ships is already working on a plugin and rendering ships for that plugin. Right now all you've said is you have an idea and need people to make ships for you. Unfortunately dozens of other people come and say the same thing, and most of them disappear fairly quickly.

      You're best bet is to get your ideas together and show the community why you are worthy to be helped. You need to set yourself apart from those dozens of people that also have a storyline idea and need help with ship graphics. If you do that you'll more than likely get all the help you need, but until then like it or not you're seen as just another person with an idea.

    • Or then you could go to a site where they make the graphics... You could send them email..that could work.

    • Look through the All the Important Links You'll Ever Neeed topic to find "shipyards," which are web sites full of ship graphics you can use in your projects. Once you have a working plug to show people, you may find it easier to interest other people in making custom graphics for you.

      (Edit: Noticed misspelled "Neeed." Considered fixing it. Considered changing it to "Neeeeeeed." Decided to leave it as is.) 😛

      This post has been edited by Dr. Trowel : 07 May 2005 - 02:26 PM

    • Where is a website where they make graphics for you? Is it free?

    • Very few graphics developers will work on a project for nothing, especially when there's no details about what it is you're doing. Either use the free shipyards mentioned above or learn how to use a 3D modelling program. Use the search to find info on those.

      This comes up many times a year, with pretty much the same result. Topic closed.