Here's what I've come up with so far. I have both when the set strings fire (mostly) and when the messages show up:
OnAccept: Is evaluated before the OnAccept message. Is also evaluated when you start a mission using the Sxxxx NCB operator.
OnRefuse: Fires when you click the "refuse" button, but after the OnRefuse message.
OnSuccess: I have not tested this, but I assume that it works as advertised.
So far I have been unable to get the OnFail message to display. This may have an effect on when the NCB set strings are fired. (does anyone have a fool-proof way to get that message to display?)
Fires as soon as you fail the mission if you fail via the SpecialShip.
Fires as soon as you are scanned.
Fires as soon as you miss the mission's deadline.
Fires as soon as you are disabled if the "fail on disable/destroy" flag is set.
Does not fire until you reach TravelStel if you use Fxxxx.
Fires immediately when the player aborts.
Fires when mission is auto-aborted.
Fires when ship is destroyed if the "fail on disable/destroy" flag is not set.
OnShipDone: Fires immediately, after the OnShipDone message.
NOTE: If you have no SpecialShip goal, the shipdone message (but not the NCB set string) will fire off the first time you enter space after starting the mission (if you reload the pilot file before landing again, the game will not have saved the fact that SpecialShipGoal is "done," and will thus display the message again).
(In case you're wondering, I've started work on a guide to exactly when every one of these set strings fires.)
This post has been edited by Edwards : 17 February 2005 - 10:59 PM