Ambrosia Garden Archive

    • Come on!!

      Hey everyone! I have the Nova Unleashed boards up so come join up!
      My Boards

    • Yeah. I only have 6 members and they are all a part of the dev team.

    • Is there a place where I can find more about this plug?

      Screenshots, story, etc...?

    • ferazier, on Feb 12 2005, 09:12 PM, said:

      Hey everyone! I have the Nova Unleashed boards up so come join up!
      My Boards
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      Ick phpbbforfree. :mad:

    • Quote

      Is there a place where I can find more about this plug?

      Screenshots, story, etc...?

      I'm working on it why don't you ask for screen shots at the boards?

    • I tried going to that other forum, but I got ants in my bogota and it keeps me up at night.

    • Ferazier, what are you offering us at your forums? What do we know about Nova Unleashed? What do we need to know about it?

    • Well mostly I need ideas for it and also I bet you didn't know that its on hold until the summer where I can work on it longer and more eficiently (however its spelt).

    • ferazier, on Feb 14 2005, 08:53 PM, said:

      Well mostly I need ideas for it and also I bet you didn't know that its on hold until the summer where I can work on it longer and more eficiently (however its spelt).
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      I'd like you to know that Nova Unleashed seems rather hastily started. I've been tinkering with MissionComputer and NovaTools for about three years — and yet, I've just started devving publicly.

      Hell, I'm making a TC called "Legacy," right now, but it will not feature more than 20 spobs (I froze them at 18), or more than 30 ships (I've got about 10 concepts for the first government, 8 for the second, and 12 for the last one. I'll be starting modelling them tomorrow), all with the plot being less than 45 missions each.

      I've got one person helping me, (they're doing landing pics using Terragen), but I'm not going to accept help from others, nor do I expect people to jump at the chance to help. I prefer to keep the team to a minimum of two people: myself and a classmate. This way, we can keep track of what needs to be done. Finish Lasers, and Crews, and put out a few more plugs, study the engin, figure out its bugs, its features, everything about it. Brainstorm on ways to exploit the engine... And use those ideas. I myself am hoping that Legacy will be recognized as quality. I've poured all my free time into grasping the engine, getting a feel for what engine features other TCs may be using... Today alone I've written up two intros (mission strings will be presented depending on which char resource you pick), and three missions for the Gaian string(s).

      What I hope will set my conversion apart from others is the fact that I will be promoting the expansion of the universe. Got an idea for a mission string for Legacy? Go ahead and make it. Want to experiment with the resources to see how I pulled off some off the neat tricks incorporated into the plug? Go ahead and open up the files, guilt-free. Need graphics for your plug, be it public or private? If you contact me, I'll give you permission, as long as I (or my partner) get mentioned in the credits.

      If others want to know more about Legacy, all you have to do is ask. However, no preambles will be released, no teasers will be created, no screenshots will be presented. If you dare ask, I will kill you. Okay, I'll just get annoyed, but whatever.

    • ferazier, on Feb 15 2005, 01:53 AM, said:

      Well mostly I need ideas for it and also I bet you didn't know that its on hold until the summer where I can work on it longer and more eficiently (however its spelt).
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      **In light of this fairly telling development, why don't you re-announce the site in the summer when you have more work to show for it. If it's ideas you need, start a topic by throwing some concepts out there and asking for feedback/expansion on them. We have these boards for a reason, and I'm fairly confident that one of them is not to advertise for other boards. In other words, unless it's absolutely necessary, why not just post topics here (assuming they will have more focus and a more general point)?

