Originally posted by Weepul 884:
**I managed to fit some quality testing time into a half-hour now, during my still hectic life (dammit, settle you!)
Weapon types that can accept negative inaccuracy values and what they do:
- Unguided cannon : Fires at # degrees to either side of front, with -# inaccuracy. Shots will face forward. eg. A value of -90 would make shots that fire directly to the sides of the ship, but the shots will point forward.
- Unguided turret (full, front, or rear): Acts exactly like an unguided cannon (fires at # degrees to either side of front) except that shots will face toward the target, if within the turret's range (ie. for front turrets, the shots will face the target only if the target is within the turret's normal angle of use).
- Turreted beams : Will limit the beam's arc of firing to a swath of # degrees across the front of the ship. The value, unlike for cannons, is the distance (in degrees) between the two sidemost extremes. That means -90 would make a beam that can be aimed up to 45 degrees off of forward. eg. A value of -90 would make, essentially, a front-turreted beam. The beam will not fire at all if the target is not within that range.
I haven't tried all weapon types, but certain others (guided missiles, freeflight rockets, and normal beams are examples) will not be affected by negative inaccuracy values.
Now, negative submunition theta values are more interesting.
- Submunitions : Negative submunition theta values will only have an effect if the submunition count is greater than 1, which is a shame, but not a big deal. The # defines the angle of separation, ie. a value of -180 will cause the submunitions to split off going directly to each side perpendicular to the way the original shot is facing. A value of -90 would cause the shots to split off heading 45 degrees to either side of forward. -360 causes them to go straight backward.
Now, the interesting part to this is that the shots WILL be facing in the direction they are heading, unlike using negative values for the weapon inaccuracy, and it WILL work no matter what the submunition weapon type is. Yep, you can create missiles that will always come straight out the back of a ship, facing in that direction, and will turn around to head toward the target properly. To do so, make an unguided cannon with an invisible shot and no movement and very short lifetime (1 frame) which immediately submunitions into the missile, subcount 2 (oh well, they'll be exactly one atop another, just don't let them be jammed), subtheta -360.
I have not tested values greater than -180 for weapons, or -360 for submunits...hm...next on the list when I get a free moment.
Um, why do you need a subcount of 2? Subcount of 1 works... or does it?.
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