Is it possible to convert spďns to rlë8 and rlëD's?
You mean PICTs? Yes. If you're on a mac use w00tware's EnRLE which can be found here.
Spins are not sprites, they are merely pointers to the sprite which can be in any form. -
It's not working, none of it makes sense, and it just gives me empty ResEdit documents. Perhaps one of my team members will make more sense of it
This post has been edited by Steelix : 09 January 2005 - 07:09 AM
I remember getting empty ResEdit docs when rleing the ships from Onyx's shipyard, but I don't remember how I fixed it...
If you're trying to convert pict's referenced by a shan, make sure that the scan shans box is selected, if you're trying to convert spins, make sure that is selected. Otherwise you won't get anything out.
If this still isn't working, can you tell me what you're settings are in the window that pops up when you use the tool?
I´m not sure if this is the issue, bu it may be so.
If you use resedit, you´ll need to name the spin´s or shan´s
or they will not show up.
They are there, but won´t show up in finder.
You can open them with resedit open function which detects them. -
I've got someone who believes using enRLE is "drag and drop stuff" who seems to be somehow related to Bomb himself. He's been sent the ships, warned not to tell anyone what they are, and will e-mail them back.
I didn't name the resources, that will explain it.