mrxak, on Sep 10 2004, 10:41 AM, said:
Hmm. Do you think you could make it recognize movie files in a folder you're converting and leave them untouched?
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Yeah, sure. Are they a standard quicktime movie? For a quick fix, just remove them from the folder (I'll assume you are converting a folder) for now... I don't get any data from them. However, it shouldn't modify your files anyways... It should be creating a new file for each item with a resource fork found... If the file has a resource fork, it will be run through the converter, however, you can just delete files that do not have any plugin data (sหst, spรถb, etc) in them.
As a side, did you include the EV Basics option? That includes the base files Nova needs to start up... just in case your TC doesn't sync up for some reason.
slouch, on Sep 10 2004, 09:51 AM, said:
Wow, that was quick! Unfortunately, I'm a Windows user and will be unable to use the application. But, if you'll permit me a few stupid questions about it's capabilities?
Absolutely. Anyone, feel free to ask questions; it can only make it better.
slouch, on Sep 10 2004, 09:51 AM, said:
- Shield/Armor Recharge - In Override, armor recharged at the same rate as shields. Will Space Port automatically add the proper armor regeneration for ships and outfits?
Also in Override, outfits with ModType 5 (faster shield recharge) added one more percentage point of shield recharge per second. This means that the actual recharge value gained (for both shields and armor) would be unique to each ship type (or base shield value) including outfit shield mods. Nova changed this behavior, so how does Space Port convert these values? Does it just pick a median value? Is it based on the shield values of the ships in the plug-in?
As for these two... I remember doing something with the armor recharge, but not exactly what. I'll have to look through the code again.
slouch, on Sep 10 2004, 09:51 AM, said:
- Outfits granted via missions - Override used the PayVal field in the misn resource to grant weapons on accepting or completing missions. This, of course, changed in Nova. Will Space Port set up the proper Gxxx operators in the OnAccept or OnSuccess set strings?
This I have. 
slouch, on Sep 10 2004, 09:51 AM, said:
Also, Override used the 0x0020 flag to remove pre-paid outfits if the player failed or aborted the mission. This is now the fail if scanned flag in Nova. Will Space Port set up the proper Dxxx operators in the OnFail and OnAbort fields if this flag is checked?
I'm pretty sure I have these, but I can certainly double-check.
slouch, on Sep 10 2004, 09:51 AM, said:
- Fail If Scanned missions - Override had a seperate field (FailIfScanned) to denote this, which worked in conjunction with the ScanGovt field. The ScanGovt field contained the RID of the government which considered this cargo illegal. Also, all governments other than the noted govt's enemy would consider this cargo illegal. How does Space Port handle this conversion? Does it assign the proper 0x0020 flag? How does it handle the ScanMask field? Does it properly set up the ScanMask in both the misn and govt resources?
This, unfortunately, was a bit quirky. Because of the huge difference between the older and newer version, this needs to be done by hand. It could be automated to an extent, but if that were to be the case, it would need to scan every data file that would potentially be used with the plugin for governments, and assign a checkbox for each government. All hell would break loose if we ran out of checkboxes (it's possible!)...
Of course, I do go through the trouble to explain how to do this in the output log, as well as mention which missions are scanned for by which government, so converting this by hand takes only literally a few minutes.
slouch, on Sep 10 2004, 09:51 AM, said:
-TurretYDisp/ShotXOffset - Will Space Port evaluate these Override ship resource fields and set up the proper TurretPosY and GuidedPosX in the appropriate shan?
Yeah... This was one of the last features I added in, actually. While playing EV, I realized that some ships had Y turret displacement (mainly the kestrel), so I looked into this. In EVO, I'm pretty sure there is an X displacement as well, but it has been a while since I've checked. But if it is there in EVO, it should be in SpacePort.
slouch, on Sep 10 2004, 09:51 AM, said:
Sorry for all the stupid questions, but I'm just curious about how completely the application will port plug-ins (or better yet, how much is possible). If I still had a Mac, I'd try it out for myself...
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No problem at all... In fact, none of those were stupid at all.
Unfortunately, I don't know how to decode the .rez format, or the .bin format which would allow me to write a similar application for windows. I would have to work within the .bin format for older EV/EVO files in order to preserve the resource fork, and transpose those values into the newer .rez format.
In general, how the application works is incredibly simple... It takes all of the values that are in an EV or EVO file, and simply rearranges the byte order right down the line such that they correspond to the newer EVN format. this was a simple matter of knowing the EV, EVO, and EVN templates. DWRDs could easily be changed to HWRD and DLNG, and I could even convert a DWRD to a standard integer value, and append it to a CSTR. In that manner, everything could theoretically be converted...
The only snags are the Scanmask and the missile jamming... which in my opinion were the largest engine changes of them all. Oh, and flares were removed, which sucks... IIR, I left a note in the log and treated flares as bombs with no strength... so it would still be in the game, but would have virtually no effect on missiles.
mrxak, on Sep 10 2004, 10:35 AM, said:
Duuuude. Very cool. I'll have to check out the app in greater detail, and I'd be interested in hearing the answers to the questions below, but you're pretty much guaranteed to get all of the karma (as soon as the system is implemented). It doesn't fit exactly with the specifications, but assuming everything works, it looks great.
I'll try to get everything as close as possible... I still have a bunch of old topics bookmarked where everyone discussed the difference between the EV/O and EVN engines... Most were complaining about errors in the official ports (most of which didn't exist in my unofficials), but there was some very valuable information in there. I'll constantly update these to get them as close to perfect as possible, but in most cases, it will only be an estimation. And some things, like acceleration of particles (making backwards-fired shots have a longer range... MP?) and the flares were removed completely, so there is nothing I can do...
All the same, any comments are always appreciated. And as I promised, if anyone wants the source, feel free to email me.
~ SP