about plugins and stuff for windows
I run 2 computers, one on windows 2000 and the other on XP and I have some questions:
Where can I find tools for making sprites for the windows version (I think 1.07)? what about EV movies?
How come none of the character plugs work (at the new pilot menu, there's a new menu called character, but it's always empty).
What about 3D modelers and movie makers? are there any good ones for free? (I currently use zmodeler and am currently painting skins for 2 different ships)
Combat Shuttle
ship_1A.bmp (114.98K)
Number of downloads: 59
ship2a.bmp (262.15K)
Number of downloads: 36
ship1b.bmp (221.6K)
Number of downloads: 42
ship2b.bmp (306.64K)
Number of downloads: 28