I'm looking at taking EV: Nova and changing it, a lot. It will be a plug-in, but a totally different game, but I need a few people to help me write it. I need people to help with graphics, storylines, re-designing the system, etc. If you can do any of that, PLEASE IM me on AIM under MBfreakMD or SDofMD or e-mail me at brotherfromtheeastside@hotmail.com (if you have MSN Messenger, you can add me to that.) I also have Yahoo, but don't use it often. I need as much help I can get, especially the graphics. If you have the time and capability to do any of this, please contact me A.S.A.P. Thanks!
I'm a cashier at Wal-Mart, a big fan of EV: Nova... now... a fan of attempting to make plug-ins!