Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • Problem with ship plugin

      I recently designed a plugin that creates a new ship type (complete with shďp, shän, dësc, and PICT resources), but I have one major problem: I can't purchase any outfits for it! At the outfitters, I can purchase all of the licences, but no weapons, accessories, or anything else. I believe it to be a problem with my shďp resource, but I don't know what it is. Can someone help me pin it down?


    • If this is a plug-in for the Nova scenario, you probably missed a contribute flag in the ship resource. Just take a look at any of the stock ships (except Vell-os, Wraith, Krypt etc, they can't buy most outfits) to see which bit you need.


    • That was a very quick reply. My thanks!


    • Yep, that was the problem. 5A for Fed outfits, 8H for Sigma Upgrades. Think of where I'd be without that knowledge!
