I'm posting this in the Developer's board because this doesn't apply to the main Nova scenario.
I was working on a plug-in, and had a ship with an alt sprite and "Hide Alt. Frames Disabled" turned on in the shan. When I disabled the ship, and flew on top of it, the alt sprite "stuck" to my ship, and continued moving with it.
To make sure it wasn't a problem with my sprites, I tested it out in Nova by turning on "Hide Alt. Frames Disabled" for the Aurora Thunderforge. I then disabled an NPC Thunderforge (by opening a pilot using it, and transferring command to another ship), and the same problem occurred.
How to reproduce:
1. Open Nova Ships 1 in NovaTools, and on the Thunderforge shan, turn on "Hide Alt. Frames Disabled."
2. Create an NPC Thunderforge, or change the shan's ID to that of another ship.
3. Disable the ship and fly over top of it. The center section of the Thunderforge (that was spinning when the ship wasn't disabled) should get carried along with your ship.
I've tried this on two different Macs, though I don't know if it affects the Windows version.