Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • Something not as easy as I'ld hoped?(bits)

      I've got a little problem. I want to create an outfit that works like a planetary pass. Allowing the player to land on a planet they couldn't before. I can't seem to figure out how to do that. The planet doesn't have a landif bitXX feild, and making a special government for the planet, and giving the player a - status doesn't seem to be working, maybe i'm not using the right values.

      Anyone know?

      "Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the the universe."-Albert Einstein

    • You could create two versions of the system; one with a "landable" version of the planet, and one without.

      Just give them the same coordinates, the only thing that should differ are the one spöb (landable/un), and the availability field. Merely have the one system be available !bxxx, and the other available bxxx.

      That way, once xxx is set, the system will be replaced with the alternate version.

      This was from memory, but should be correct.
      ~ SpacePirate

      Fear the SpacePirate,
      He made a (url="http://"")plug-in search page(/url)...
      And he'll board your ship!

    • You can use a ränk to do this. Kame implemented it in Ronin for the Housless spöb.

      You have the outfit grant a rank with the government.

      In your "OnBuy" you would put Kxxx and "OnSell" you would put Lxxx where xxx is the ID of the ränk.

      Have you ever wondered what a spanner-driver is?

    • Whoa, even better. 😛

      Some people never cease to amaze me.
      ~ SpacePirate

      Fear the SpacePirate,
      He made a (url="http://"")plug-in search page(/url)...
      And he'll board your ship!
      *** (url="http://"")InfernoStudios(/url) was last updated 06 June, 2004. ***

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Chuckles:
      **You can use a ränk to do this. Kame implemented it in Ronin for the Housless spöb.

      You have the outfit grant a rank with the government.

      In your "OnBuy" you would put Kxxx and "OnSell" you would put Lxxx where xxx is the ID of the ränk.


      Hmm. That works great. The only problem I have now is that in order to make the planet not-landable in the first place, i needed to add about 100 min cool, and then set rank flag "Allows to land regaurdless of mincool". The only problem is the person can commit crimes agianst the gov, purchase the lisence and then get cleared to land...

      "Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the the universe."-Albert Einstein

    • Have the rank be unactivated if the guy commits bad things. That's the best that could be done I see.

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      There are things money can't buy or that are free, for everything else, there's indeed Mastercard.

    • OK. That makes it a little harder.

      One solution you could use is to use an öuft, two mďsn, and a ränk.

      Have the öuft set a bit (hereafter refered to as b1000) and start a mission in the OnBuy (b1000 Sxxx) and have your OnSell be !b1000 Lrrr . Where xxx is the ID of the mďsn resource and rrr is the ID of the ränk.

      Have the mission be offered by the gövt of the spöb in question with an availability of (b1000 & !b1001) and a legal rating requirement of >0. Have the mďsn auto-abort and be invisible. Then have it set b1001 and grant the ränk.

      The other mďsn would then have an availability of (b1000 & b1001), and it would set Lrrr !b1001.

      Obviously more info is necessary for the mďsn's, but I have not begun to understand that particular resource.

      If someone better versed on mďsns would like to set me right in the methodology, it would be appreciated.

      Have you ever wondered what a spanner-driver is?

    • That's about right, except that you need the second mission to only activate if they dislike you. You could also just set flag 0x0040 in the ränk resource, which deactivates it when you commit a crime against the government or its allies. This is probably what Zacha Pedro suggested, too. Your method allows it to stop at a specified level, and also kills the ränk when you buy it while you're disliked, though. You might want a dialog on the removal mission that says something about your license being confiscated, and take the outfit as well. (so you don't have a useless landing pass hanging around)

      Join the Ambrosia Seti@home team!

    • Why not make the spob have an insanely high restriction rating (say can't land on your ownuntil 10,000 positive points) and just use the rank. Wouldn't that work?


      "We live, we die. Get over it."
      "If by being abnormal we are normal, and by being normal we are abnormal, we create a paradox loop and therefore we neither exist nor not exist. We simply are."
      - Zerak Toman

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Skyfox:
      **I've got a little problem. I want to create an outfit that works like a planetary pass. Allowing the player to land on a planet they couldn't before. I can't seem to figure out how to do that. The planet doesn't have a landif bitXX feild, and making a special government for the planet, and giving the player a - status doesn't seem to be working, maybe i'm not using the right values.

      Anyone know?


      Couldn't this work similarly to the hypergate system? Give the planet a unique government allied with the regular government, set the bit 0x00000001 to be 0x00000000 so that the player can't normally land on the planet, but once he/she buys the rank, set bit 0x0200 so that the player can land on the unique government's planet. Set 0x0004 so that if the player destroys or disables a ship affilitated with the government or its allies, as well as 0x0040 if any crime is committed, the rank will be removed. Set a mission that will only be activated if the player has a good legal status with the government, that simply tells the player that the access codes are available, and gives them the rank.

      Okay, if that was confusing, here's what the player should see: once he/she gets a good legal status with government X , the next time they land (or goes to the bar, or outfitter, or wherever you want the mission to appear), a mission dialog begins that tells them that they now have access to a special card that will let them land on a restricted planet, as long as they don't do anything bad to the government. Upon buying the card, they get a rank that allows them to land on the planet. They're given free access to the planet as long as they don't kill or disable any of that government's ships. If they do, the rank is removed and they can't land there again. If you want it to be permanent, you can set bits on the mission that will prevent it from being offered again (or until the player runs another mission that unlocks the mission again).

      To recap, here's your list of ingredients:
      1 govt: allied with the affiliated government (govt y)
      1 spob: set so that the player can't land on it and affiliated with the above govt.
      1 rank: flags 0x0244 set and affiliated with above govt so that player can land on all spobs affiliated with the govt but will be removed if the player does anything bad to that govt.
      1 misn: only offered when legal status with govt y reaches preset level. Auto aborts but grants above rank.

      Hope I understood your problem, and I hope that I helped.


      "Interestingly, according to modern astronomers, space is finite. This is a very comforting thought -- particularly for people who can never remember where they have left things." - Woody Allen

      (url="http://";=214877")The funniest valentine I've ever gotten.(/url)

      (This message has been edited by what_is_the_matrix (edited 06-13-2004).)

    • Wow, earlier when I was looking through the data files, I thought the hypergates worked by swapping the system to one with an entirely different hypergate that you could land on. However, upon reviewing this, I see Matrix is correct and I was wrong.

      As a note, setting bits 0x0044 is also how the Nil'kemorya rank works (these are the warrior caste of the Polaris). There is a point in the game (depending on what missions you do) where the Nil'kemorya will never attack you again. This is done by setting an invisible rank with bits 0x0044. However, were you to blow up a Nil'kemorya ship or commit a crime against that government, the rank disappears and you no longer have that protection.

      You know Matrix' solution must be a good one if both parts of it are already in use in the standard scenario.

      Who's the what now?