I'm looking for somebody, or a couple of sombodys, who still have override origonal and would be willing to help test a plugin I've got. It is the beginings of a TC that will not be vaporware!
What I have right now is a simple template of the plugin. there are only basic delivery missions and a pair of special missions that allow access to tech. There are no new graphics yet, Instead what I have done is shuffled the original spins around. If two ships will look alike when I finnish my graphics, they will have the same spin. For instance, the Fed Frigate(formally the UE destroyer), and the Pirate Frigate(formaly the turncoat) will look similar in the finneshed plug, therefore they share a spin. Right now, only half or less of the massive universe the finnished plug will have is done. 98% of those systems have the name "untitled" which is the name EVO developers map gives new systems. They do have governments. Most of the spobs are the same too, named untitled, graphic zero (earth), and have descs from normal override. Usually they have had their tech levels, governments and stats set up though (that means whether or not they have a shipyard, outfitter, bar, and so on.) A handfull of systems and spobs have names and descs, but not many. luckily, almost all ships, and weapons have been done. Lacking only custom graphics and sounds.
I need anybody who volonteers to play my plugin, to look for mistakes in tech levels, Mission descs in the missions that I have, and problems with the ships and weapons. I also need them to give me suggestions on almost anything to do with my TC. I could really use other people's opinions.
If you wish to play, or test, the plugin that I have, please give me your email address and I'll mail it to you. Its only 132 K and shouldn't cause problems. Thank you.
Cmon people, the (url="http://"http://www.AmbrosiaSW.com/cgi-bin/ubb/forumdisplay.cgi?action=topics&number;=20&SUBMIT;=Go")Chronicles(/url) are worth looking at.