Originally posted by Septcanmat:
well, i've been paying EVN for a ong time, and now im finally getting bored(i know, it scares me too!), and i've gotten mission computer, and tried to fiddle around and make something withn it. but failed miserabel, and the ernd result was something tha was worthy of the trash can. and, well, basically, im wondering if anyone knows of any good tutorials on how to make something as small as a weapon, to something as big as a TC with mission computer. now, i really dont care if it shows me how to do everything, but a tutorial one how to make a few things like a system, or planet, or government or a mission string or anyhting would be really nice. oh, and yes, ive tried reading the bible, but got confused. im bad with all that "computer programming" ling. meaning i prefer simple english.
Try printing out the Nova bible (I know it's long, but I find it's much easier to use that way), and setting it to the left of your keyboard. Now get a stack of scratch paper and set it to the right of your keyboard along with a pencil or pen. Now open up Mission Computer. Create a new plugin. Copy one of the ship resources out of one of the Nova Data files (make sure it's a common ship like the Starbridge or the Valkyrie) and put it in what was your blank plugin.
Now here's what you do. Referring to the ship resource section of the Nova Bible (conveniently labeled shďp) take a look at the ship's stats and see what each number means according to the bible. Now make a single changle. Let's see what happens when we replace the number in the price field with 0. Save the plugin into your Nova Plug-ins folder as "My 1337 First Plugin!!!!" (your name may vary). Start up Nova and see what happened to the Starbridge. We use the plugin format because any resource in the Nova Data files that conflicts with a plugin's resource will automatically be overridden. Thus we can make changes to the ship, without making that change possibly permanent. Anyway, start a new pilot, go to the shipyard at Earth and try to buy the Starbridge. What happened? Well what should have happened is that suddenly the Starbridge doesn't cost anything. Wow! Just changing one number can make a difference. Okay, quit Nova and open the plug in MC again. Make another change. Write down what you think you did, and see what actually happens. If what you think you did does not match what actually happened, then check the Nova bible again. It should hopefully shed some light on what went wrong. Just remember that if you open a pilot whose stats were modified with a plugin (ie. using a modified ship), it will continue to use the stats that the ship had before you made modifications. You'll have to buy the ship again to get the new stats. Now try copying a weapon and modifying its stats. There you go! You're on your way to making your own plugins with new ships completely!
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