OK, Im writing this topic because I am having trouble. I wanted to make a rapid-fire Forklift that passes asteroids. Dont ask why, unless you want a several lines long explanation. It has to do with a near-impossible mission in E1... As I wanted to get a less hard to use editor than ResEdit, I downloaded Mission Computer from David Arthurs site, david.evula.net. I downloaded 3.01 for Classic. I am using a iMac 350 Mhz with OS 9.0 and 192 MB of RAM. It downloaded fine, and I burned it on a CD-R that had other Mac files from earlier using RecordNow. When I launched it the first time, it asked me to locate the data files for all EVs. As I had several folders for each plug, I just chose one. But then it alerted that pref resource ID 128 couldnt be saved for an unknown reason, and asked if I wanted to try again. When I clicked Try again, it worked fine. Then I tried to create a new EV plug. I created a new weap resource, with a sufficiently high ID to not conflict with E1 (400). Then I put the attributes of the original Forklift, except that I made its reload 30 (I couldnt find any option to pass asteroids). Then I get the same error that the weap resource couldnt be saved for an unknown reason. When I press Try Again and open the weapon, the weapon is blank. If it set Nova Files to be none, it works. Is this because Plug-in List says Nova Templates are installed, but I dont have the Nova Template in the Nova files folder? The Plug-in List also says its version 1.06, but I still have 1.01. I guess I should upgrade and pop the template in?
I am eager to try to answer mission questions