All righty... After a while playing in Netscape 4 (Dear lord, I forgot how much I hate Netscape. ;)), I found the problem, and, as expected, Netscape didn't like my Javascript, which appeared to be standard. So, I went and found something that actually worked (frm.type.selectedIndex instead of frm.type.value). Also, Dr. Trowel mentioned something else I added in... I changed the search terms, so that they did not return redundant pages, previously it would return the same results for date, name, size, rating, and downloads, and occasionally other pages that contain the terms. These terms are much rarer, and so now you get more specific pages.
So, EVula, now you only get 6 results. 
~ SpacePirate
Eat blazing electric death!
(url="http://"")EV/O/N Plugin Search(/url)