Originally posted by Azratax2
**Clever! This isnt perfect unless X= the maximum you are allowed to have, but in that situation, its a very clean way to do this.
Hrm... Well, you could also set multiple default items in this way, using up to 8 different outfits. Initially grant one of outfit 1, two of outfit 2, etc. In each outfit, have not only 'd(z)', but have 'd(z1) d(z2)' etc. Then, for your mission, check for different outfits for different amounts (this is assuming the engine does not go below negative outfit quantities). To check for specific numbers of outfits, do the following:
To check for exactly two outfits:
test: {Oz2 & !Oz3}
To check for greater than or equal to two:
test: {Oz2}
To check for less than four:
test: {!Oz4}
To check for less than or equal to four:
test: {Oz4 & ! Oz5}
To check for greater than 2 and less than 4:
test: {!Oz4 & Oz2}
The only flaw is that you can only have either one check for up to 8 of 1 particular outfit for 1 particular ship, or 2 different checks for up to 4 of any two outfits per ship, etc.
Yet, while thinking on this, I thought of a major potential problem:
What if the player option clicks in the outfitter, and buys multiple outfits at once? Will the Engine evaluate the outfit's fields only one time, or will it check for every outfit? Anyone want to check on this?
~ SpacePirate
Eat blazing electric death!