The issue with ionizing weapons was done that way by design, but I have now changed it due to popular demand. I have also fixed the issue with the weapon submunition flag and the govt color field mentioned elsewhere in this thread.
Regarding bug reports, Ambrosia handles technical support for the EV games, and the official and proper way to submit them is, and always has been, to send Ambrosia email at However, it seems that bug reports sent there seem to somehow not get passed along by Ambrosia. If pipeline has volunteered to coordinate scenario development bug reports (with emphasis on "if") then I will do my best to deal with anything he sends my way. Obviously, we will not be able to reply to or address every issue, and I rarely have time to sort through these webboard posts, so this is probably not the most reliable place to submit things.
happy new year,
"If it's not on fire, it's a software problem."