Just thought I'd provide some inspiration, and list a few engine features that no one has really used to much extent yet...
1. Gender - I think there should be some element of sexism, just for fun. Like if you play as a woman, you shouldn't be able to do the Auroran string or something.
2. All manner of shield glows
3. All manner of submunitions
4. Movies in missions and on planets
5. Different intf resources for different governments
I know I'm forgetting at least one, but that's all I can think of for now.
I think it would be really neat if someone came put with an "EVN Enhancer" plug that wouldn't change anything significant, but would just make the game utilize the extra features, such as making hellhounds release submunitions or something. If someone with a digital camera and lots of time made movies for the Fed string, that would be even better. And extra intf's aren't too hard.
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