Originally posted by UE_Research & Development:
**EVNEW doesn't handle rle8 resources properly; you'd be better off just not using them. If anything, that's probably what is causing your problem.
The problem is he is having seems to be that it does not work in either Nova or in EVNEW. lotsofblackflags, while there are several things that may cause this problem, I find that if there is even one white pixel along the edge of an image's frame, an RLE (due the way they are converted) will not work.

Note: Image was modified for demonstration purposes. Thanks to Skyblade for the image, and EVula for image hosting and hosting the shipyard.:)
The solution to this problem is to use a graphics program of your choice, and fill in any pixels along the edge of any one frame with the background color. This is easiest done if you have an easy way to overlay a grid on your image to clearly reveal the frames. A less accurate method would be to fill in any pixels that look close to the edge. It may clip the image slightly, but at least it will show correctly. Finally, the best solution would be to re-render the image with a larger frame around the ship, yet, as you downloaded these, this is not possible.
Good luck!
~ SpacePirate
Eat blazing electric death!
(This message has been edited by SpacePirate (edited 12-08-2003).)